6 tips to create attractive instagram stories

You no longer have to rely solely on your Instagram feed to keep in touch with your followers and stand out among your competitors. Since Instagram introduced Stories in 2016, users have been able to unleash their creative juices to boost engagement and brand recognition.

Despite its raw and unfiltered nature, you can make your Stories look more polished and professional. Whether you choose to use beautiful graphics or eye-catching videos, Stories can contribute to your overall brand aesthetic and visibility.

If you’re planning to make an Instagram story for your brand anytime soon, here are six tips to create an attractive and engaging one:

  1. Learn How To Use The Editing Tools
    If you plan to use Instagram Stories for your brand, you should be familiar with these tools and spend some time learning how to use them for editing to make your stories more engaging. You can also check out your competitor’s stories through Instagram story viewer for reference.With these tools, you can enhance your images, text, and colors in countless ways. Here’s an overview of each editing icon and what they do:
    • Save – When you’re done working on a Story, you can click this button to save it. The image itself can be saved, or it can also be saved along with your changes. Also, adding GIFs or music will convert it to a video. 
    • Filter – With the filter icon, you can add some VR filters to pictures and videos. You can see if a filter would look good on your Story. 
    • Link – If you’re talking about a particular topic and you want people to be able to navigate externally, the link icon can be helpful. The only downside is that Instagram doesn’t allow anyone with a following of fewer than 10,000 people to take advantage of this feature. 
    • Accessories – To add extra engagement features and stickers, swipe up from the editor screen using the accessory icon. 
    • Pen – This icon lets you add handwritten text or drawings with a few different brushes and erasers. Here you can also find tools for selecting colors. 
    • Text – This can be accessed by tapping anywhere on the screen and allows you to enter text into the Story. By learning to apply these tools, you’ll be able to make your Stories more attractive and engaging for your viewers.
  2. Use The Grid

    There are specific guidelines and parameters for Instagram Stories that you should adhere to. Remember that your username and ways to interact with your Story are displayed at the top and bottom of your story graphics, respectively. You don’t want to put any critical information or design elements in these places. But when you use the grid, you’ll know when you’re moving something on the screen that’s too far up or down.Also, any designs you create outside of the app should adhere to the same rules. Because of this, Instagram suggests that you should keep all essential design elements inside 1080 x 1420 pixels of the center.
  3. Stay Consistent With Fonts And Colors

    Make sure that everything you create is consistent and cohesive with the image and style of your brand. This means you’ll need to come up with unique color hex codes, fonts, and logos, among other things. Having consistent fonts and colors makes it easy for your Glassagram viewers to recognize your brand when browsing through their Stories. Even if they don’t see your username, they’ll recognize your images just by seeing them.

  4. Make Your Text Stand Out With A Shadow

    If you’re looking for a fun way to use Instagram’s in-app design tools and add text to your Story, this is a great option. Layer the exact text in two different colors to create a text shadow. Using either a lighter or darker hue of text, type out your words and set them on your Story. After that, apply your primary shade in the same way but at a slight angle on top of the shadow.

  5. Make Design Elements Out Of Symbols

    If you’re editing with Instagram Stories, you can choose from five different fonts–Classic, Modern, Neon, Typewriter, and Strong. You can create fantastic design elements for your Instagram Stories by taking some of these letters and symbols, alternating the five different fonts, rotating them, and sizing them up.

  6. Create Custom Backgrounds And Overlays

    The pen tool is capable of much more than merely coloring or highlighting specific elements in your Story. It can also create backgrounds and color overlays.  Suppose you want to announce your Story without having to take a picture. Use the pen tool to color your screen by selecting a color for the backdrop, then holding it down until the entire screen is the color you chose. Another option is to create a translucent color overlay by repeating the process with the highlighter tool. This feature is ideal for teasing new products, blog posts, etc. 


Your Instagram feed is no longer the only way to stay in touch with your followers and stand out from the crowd. Despite being raw and unfiltered, you can leverage Instagram Stories and the tools that come with them to your advantage. When you follow the tips mentioned above, you can be confident that your Instagram Story will be visually appealing and engaging.  

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