How do you say ‘I love you’ differently on Valentine’s Day? Do it right now with these with lovable cuddly bears ecards, especially conceptualized, illustrated and designed for you by the Entheos team. Say it different and say it right!
Eternally Grateful To Have You In My Life. Everyday is Valentines Day with you.
Life is a breeze Because you’re you! Everyday is Valentine Day with you
There’s a silver lining on every cloud when you’re around. Everyday is Valentines Day with you.
You sweep me off my feet. Everyday is Valentine’s Day with you.
You’re patient. You’re kind. You do not envy or boast. You’re not proud, self seeking, nor easily angered. And you keep no record of wrongs. Inspired by 1 Corinthians 13:4-5. You sweep me off my feet. Everyday is Valentine’s Day with you.
Hope Springs Eternal with you by my side. Everyday is Valentines Day with you.
The Treasure’s all Mine. Discovered when I met you! Everyday is Valentines Day with you.
We’re Making Waves. Through the highs and lows. Everyday is Valentines Day with you.
Starstruck Ever since I met you. Everyday is Valentines Day with you.