Learn how to link to different pages from the same image using image maps in Dreamweaver.
An image map is an image that has been divided into regions, or “hotspots”; when a hotspot is clicked an action occurs, for example a new file opens. The image found at the bottom is an example of an image map. All the links are in one image which are linked to different pages.
You can also make circular links and polygon links as shown below.
Steps to creating an image map in DreamweaverSelect the image on which you would like to make multiple links. Click on the rectangular hotspot tool found in the Properties Inspector. Select the rectangle tool and drag the pointer over the image to create a rectangular hotspot. You can also choose the oval or polygon hotspot tool to make an oval or polygon selection. In the hotspot Property inspector’s Link field, click the folder icon to browse to the file you want opened when the hotspot is clicked. Alternatively, type the file name. Repeat the above steps to define additional hotspots in the image map. That’s it! You have now successfully created an image map. |
The code will look like this.
<map name="tabsMap">
<area shape="rect" coords="-1,0,46,16" href="/default.asp" alt="web development">
<area shape="rect" coords="46,0,108,16" alt="services" href="/services.asp">
<area shape="rect" coords="108,0,172,16" alt="templates" href="/website_templates/">
<area shape="rect" coords="172,0,243,16" alt="portfolio" href="/portfolio.asp">
<area shape="rect" coords="243,0,295,16" alt="testimonials" href="/testimonials.asp">
<area shape="rect" coords="296,0,363,16" href="/contactus.asp" target="_blank" alt="contact us">
As you can see from the code you need to specify the coordinates for the hotspots.
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