Entheos brings you a range of templates from CMS to ecommerce to portfolio templates to help you create websites that attract people and business.  Take a look at these amazing templates for industry, business, personal care, IT, hotels, candy, cars, sports and more!

Template 55368 – Art and Photography Portfolio Responsive Joomla Template, Video Background
Stunning photography leaps out at you from within large fonts in this art and photography portfolio website template.  A camera lens, images, a video background that captures attention, icons and graphics that make statistics come alive, the artiste’s image, and a location map make the homepage complete.   The statistics in circles use colors that echo the colors of the header image.  The menu in a black rectangle links to portfolio categories. Simplicity, white space and spectacular imagery are used effectively to portray a body of work in a beautifully designed portfolio.  From other pages of the website, the user is able to navigate to the portfolio through a broad drop-down menu with images and categories. The photographer’s name is provided the same treatment as the header of the site, with the sunset image as an overlay on fonts.  The Experience section is presented in the form of a blog with images, video, comment forms and social sharing icons.

Template 55368 art and photography portfolio responsive joomla template video background template 55368 art and photography portfolio responsive joomla template video background

Template 50982 – Candy Store Responsive Magento Theme with Slider

Whether you’re a child or an adult, this Candy Store has got something for everyone with a sweet tooth.  From chocolates to boiled sweets to lace biscuits and candies and lollipops and toffees, this store has a multi-colored, multi-flavored spread that will make you drool!  The colors in the images make an attractive sight, right from the image slider to the banners promoting different product categories, with Shop Now call-to-action buttons, to the new products below. Product pages aid selling with product slideshows with zoom, product descriptions, price, stock availability, shopping cart, product reviews, social sharing icons and related products. Login, search, checkout, currency and language options are provided in the menu bar for ease of use.

Template 50982 candy store responsive magento theme with slider template 50982 candy store responsive magento theme with slider

Template 55291 – Handmade Soap Responsive Website Template with Slider, Animation, Lazy Load

Handmade soap is  elegantly presented in this website template in the product slider, accompanied by text on transparent overlays. Circular images interspersed with rectangular design elements; animation effects; lazy load effects for page optimization; images in a product gallery displayed in circles enlarging to rectangles; information on the products and the company –  all serve to sell the products.  Company contacts and a Google map are featured on every page to provide calls to action.

Template 55291 handmade soap responsive website template with slider animation and lazy load template 55291 handmade soap responsive website template with slider animation and lazy load

Template 53748 – Timber Selling Responsive Website Template with Slider
This template for a timber selling company contains information and images that attract potential customers.  The slider shows hardwoods in the forests selected for timber, with messages highlighting the company’s environment-friendly practices of supplying to the exact requirements of customers and minimizing wastage.   The homepage provides information about the company and shows images with zoom effects of different kinds of stacked timber in an image carousel.  The processing of timber is shown with the team at work.  More details are given on services with icons to point the user to content.  The website provides useful information on timbers and the environment, and includes a search bar and a contact form.

Template 53748 timber selling responsive website template template 53748 timber selling responsive website template

Template 55286 – Luxury Hotel Responsive Joomla Template with Slider, Carousel, Parallax, Gallery, Blog
The use of whitespace and transparent green overlays provides a distinctive touch in this hotel template.  A mega-menu with colorful images neatly lays out links in rows and columns without cluttering the navigation, while the About section has a simple drop-down menu.  A full-width slider with attractive images has text that sells specific packages for different target audiences.   Graphics in transparent green circles call attention to impressive statistics about the hotel.  A banner provides a call to action, asking the user to click on the icon relating to the month’s getaway packages.  A newsletter subscription is another call to action.  Contact icons are also shown in transparent circles.  The footer provides social sharing icons for user engagement.

Template 55286 luxury hotel responsive joomla template with slider carousel parallax gallery blog template 55286 luxury hotel responsive joomla template with slider carousel parallax gallery blog

Template 55282 – Car Portal Responsive Website Template with Sliders, Parallax, Lazy Load, Cool Add-Ons

This Car Portal Responsive Website Template has so much going for it: Large fonts and a full-width slider showing beautiful cars with a Learn More button in red leading into more information about them;  images with zoom of car exteriors and interiors ; parallax banners providing a 3D effect; text and image animation effects; lazy loading images for page optimization; a second slider showing cars with striking photographic backgrounds; the use of whitespace, large white fonts, and above all red – red logo, red buttons,  red caption-banners, red pointer and footer, red circles,  adding drama and excitement to the website. Cool add-ons like a portfolio, slider, social and media plugins can add a fillip to your website.

Template 55282 car portal responsive website template with sliders parallax lazy load add on portfolio template 55282 car portal responsive website template with sliders parallax lazy load add on portfolio

Template 53418 – Photography Portfolio Responsive Single-Page Website Template

This single page site has a modular layout displaying photography images under various categories on a black background. Large background images add interest and perspective.  Ghost buttons do not disturb the images and also act as calls to action on hover, asking the user to ‘’view more’.   Banners under Works can viewed in an enlarged size.  The stylishly designed menu on the left sidebar with icon animations on hover, and menu drop-downs helps the user to navigate to different parts of the page. The template has a Bio section on the photographer with testimonials and services.   The page ends with an elegant black-on-black contact form, with white text and a ghost button that turns white on hover as a call to action, asking the user to Submit.
Template 53418 photography portfolio responsive single page website template template 53418 photography portfolio responsive single page website template

Template 55381 – Tickets Online Responsive OpenCart Template

This website template helps sell tickets for popular entertainment shows. Images of entertainment artistes with single color overlays provide a colorful yet subtle appearance. Orange focuses attention on CTAs (calls to action like the shopping cart or zoom button). Orange and grey icons and banners with animations attract attention to offers. The grey drop-down menu and search bar makes it easy to find what you’re looking for. Five entertainment categories are shown in circular shaped images. Featured products and sales are shown on the homepage leading to pages with more information videos/carousels/slideshows on specific shows, prices and ticket booking.   The footer has useful product, account and service links, a sitemap and social media icons.   Three language options, three currency options, account, checkout and shopping cart links are provided on top.

Template 55381 tickets online responsive opencart template template 55381 tickets online responsive opencart template


Template 55381 tickets online responsive opencart template template 55381 tickets online responsive opencart template

Template 55296 – Field Hockey Responsive Website Template with Full-Screen Header, Full-Width Banner, Polygon Background

This template designed in shades of green with full-screen header, full-width banners and grid layout, polygon background and rounded buttons, provides an active and inspiring look for a hockey website. The logo in white stands out on the full-screen header image. Full-width banner images showcase the game, along with smaller images in a grid.   More images lead into content for Club, News and Training and buttons leading into the site. An understated polygon background enriches the content for the website without distracting from it.  The footer has useful links, a contact form and contact details.

Template 55296 field hockey responsive website template with full screen header full width banners polygon background template 55296 field hockey responsive website template with full screen header full width banners polygon background

Template 56108 – Coffee Store Responsive PrestaShop Theme

This elegantly designed theme almost has you smelling the coffee! An image of a rustic table with steaming coffee cups makes a captivating sight. An attractively esigned newsletter subscription invite pops up and you can see the coffee cup close up.   Ghost elements add charm to the menu and buttons while clearly communicating what’s on offer or leading the user to calls to action.  Modular content boxes and a grid layout neatly lay out content, in-store and product images.  Clicking
on a product leads to product pages with descriptions, slideshows, prices, payment options, videos, shopping cart and other products in the same category in a carousel. The footer has useful links and a sitemap.

Template 56108 coffee store responsive prestashop theme template 56108 coffee store responsive prestashop theme

Template 55292 – Blue Business Responsive Website Template with Slider, Parallax, Video

This corporate template themed template in blue and grey uses flat design with rounded buttons, a slider, content blocks in blue to highlight testimonials and important content, using graphics in a simple style to lead the user’s eye. The scrolling homepage welcomes you to the company and its key focus areas, takes you through the project gallery and introduces you to the team.   Full-width background images and video integration add to visual interest and interactivity.  Each section of
the homepage leads you into different parts of the site with lazy loading for page optimization, parallax banners to add a 3D effect, numbering and graphics to highlight important text, animation on page scroll.

Template 55292 blue business responsive website template with slider parallax video template 55292 blue business responsive website template with slider parallax video

Template 55272 – Private Airlines Responsive Joomla Template

This template has a full-screen header with a surreal image of the aircraft of tomorrow and full-width banner image of an aircraft of today.  Both have sliders with changing text while the images stay fixed. The section about the company is presented with graphics and text. The footer has social sharing icons, an archive of blog links and gives reasons to travel with the airline.   The blog with full-width images gives information about the airline at work.

Template 55272 private airlines responsive joomla template template 55272 private airlines responsive joomla template

Template 55295 – Tile Company Responsive Website Template with Parallax, Large Background Image, Carousel

Tiles are the focus in this website template with its colorful tiled layout displaying messages interspersed with images of interiors in which tiles are used.   Black and grey with plenty of whitespace create an image of elegance and contrast with red, blue and green, the colors calling attention to the range, versatility and quality of the tiles.  The large background image shows tiles in use in household interiors and exteriors.
The welcome message is presented on an understated diamond textured background of tiles. Icons within hexagons call attention to the Types, Finishes and Colors of tiles available, leading into the site.  A parallax banner gives the impression of depth and shows a room with a tiled floor. A carousel displays images with zoom of tiles that can be enlarged so that users can see and select tiles up close. Another parallax banner shows changing testimonials on clicking the customers’ faces.    A newsletter subscription button on a background of tiles provides another call to action.   The company’s products and services and prices are presented in the inner pages.   Social sharing icons above the menu invite user engagement.  A contact form and map provide a call to action. Template 55295 tile company responsive website template with parallax large background image carousel template 55295 tile company responsive website template with parallax large background image carousel

Template 55252 – IT Consultant Responsive WordPress Theme with Slider, Parallax, Blog, Gallery, Color Blocks

The header with a diagonal edge implies the “cutting-edge”  of services in this  IT Consultant Responsive WordPress Theme and draws attention to the slider with its changing colors and bold graphics, spelling out the company’s services.  Bold color bands of red, blue, orange and grey interspersed with whitespace divide content into modular blocks.   Ghost buttons act as calls to action.  Testimonials in a slider and graphics in circles, presented in a carousel with statistics statistics  provide authenticity.   The team is also presented in illustration form, in circles. A newsletter subscription invite provides a call to action.    Parallax scrolling elements with graphics showing  a progress chart update, provide a 3D experience as the user scrolls the page. Social sharing icons on header and footer invite user engagement.   Services are presented as a gallery viewable by category.    The blog with comment forms provides information about the company at work.Template 55252 it consultant responsive wordpress theme with slider parallax blog gallery color blocks template 55252 it consultant responsive wordpress theme with slider parallax blog gallery color blocks

Template 54768 – IT Cafe Moto CMS HTML Template with Slider, Color Blocks, Transparent Overlays
This IT Cafe Moto CMS HTML Template conveys a youthful and sophisticated appeal using transparent overlays and color blocks. The full-width slider, ghost buttons and transparent menu drop-downs, transparent overlays for the menu, color blocks in overlays of purple, orange, green and red with icons symbolizing food, drink, games and music … all have a fun look. The Menu is presented in neat content blocks, leading into the Menu page, and News peeks through a transparent overlay of green, leading into the blog.  The logo with a graphic representation of an IT Café is shown on the header and the footer.
Template 54768 it cafe moto cms html template with slider color blocks transparent overlays template 54768 it cafe moto cms html template with slider color blocks transparent overlays
