In this Blender tutorial, you will learn how to create a 3D model of a doughnut.
Step 1: Open Blender
Step 2: Delete the default mesh
Step 3: Add a new mesh torus
Step 4: Resize torus by click add torus and resizing the torus to the dimensions on the screenshot
Step 5: Shade smooth surface by right click
Step 6: Then go to modifiers option
Step 7: Then add a new modifier subdivision surface and change the subdivision surface levels to 3
Step 8: Then go to edit mode
Step 9: then go to left orthographic mode using the tilda key (~)
Step 10: Click viewport shading option on top right hand corner
Step 11: Then select the top half of the donut
Step 12: Click Shift the d then esc key and the click the p key and click selection
Step 13: Go to object mode then rename the top half of your donut icing
Step 14: Go back to edit mode and add modifier solidify only for icing
Step 15: Change offset to 1 from -1
Step 16: Then go to object mode
Step 17: Then click view port shading
Step 18: Then go to snap and click face snap
Step 19: Then go to edit mode
Step 20: Pull the vertices donut to add Icing drips
Congratulations! You have created a 3D model of a doughnut. We hope you found this Blender tutorial helpful. You may want to check out our Maya basics tutorial as well.
3D Modeling Tutorials:
Maya Tutorials:
Blender Tutorials:
Game Art and Design