Learn how to get smooth and soft edges when cutting a picture/image in Fireworks

Fireworks feather effect feather pic fin

Fireworks is a really great image editing tool. You can edit pictures easily and play around with some of the Fireworks properties to get some really cool images. Click here for some cool tips on Macromedia Fireworks.

Have you ever tried to cut an image only to to get a very jagged edge and a terrible finish? Well! I’m going to share a simple but most effective tip on getting soft edges and a clean finish to images that you edit. Using the Feather property in Fireworks you can edit images easily getting a softer, smoother and professional finish. Here’s how its done….

Step 1: As you would normally go about editing an image, select the part of the image that you want with one of the lasso tools found in the Fireworks toolbar.

Step 2: Here’s the trick – After selecting the part of the photograph that you want to cut, click on Edit>Feather. A pop up screen will appear for you to enter the number of pixels. I usually enter 10 pixels. The number of pixels you enter will determine the softness of the picture. The background will slowly fade out, thus getting rid of sharp images and resulting in a softer finish.

It’s just that simple!

Lasso Tools used for cutting an image

Check out the difference

Actual ImageWithout FeatheringWith Feathering

Sharp Edges

Soft Edges

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