This is an effective technique for changing the color of an image or a particular area of an image. In this tutorial you will learn how to change the color of a particular area of the image.

Step 1
Open an image. The image below is used in this tutorial, where the color of the pants are going to be changed from white to blue.

Step 2
Using the Scale tool enlarge the image so that the area which you have selected to change color is clearly visible. Select Polygon Lasso Tool from the Tool bar and mark the selected area. Now you can see the area marked with a dotted line as marked in the picture below.

Step 3
Select Filters>Adjust Color>Hue/Saturation.

Step 4
The following window will be displayed. Adjust the sliders for Hue, Saturation and Lightness. In my example I have given the values – Hue 207, Saturation 69, Lightness -63.

The final result is this, where the white pants are changed to blue!

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