6 things all content creators should know about using photos on your website website g435af00f3 1920

Image source: Pixabay

One of the most famous sayings is that a picture is worth a thousand words. Even though this might not be entirely true, we cannot deny the fact that the right image can bring a lot of value to your website.

If you did a simple search online, you are likely going to find so many guidelines on how you should work with images on your website. However, as a content creator, do you know all the things and tips you need when using photos on your website?

Choosing Photos for Your Website

Photos play a vital role when it comes to the visual communication of your website. This means that you need to make sure that you are using the right photos on your website. In addition, you should also take full advantage of photos and ensure that they make your website better.

When using photos, you need to understand that your website visitors are smart. They know when you use stock photos and when you use your photos. You should avoid using the wrong photos since this can drive customers away from your website.

Here are a few things all content creators should know about using photos on their websites;

1. Photos Should Be Relevant to Your Brand

It does not matter what your company sells. It doesn’t even matter why you are building the website. Whatever the reason or the products and/or services you are dealing with, you need to ensure that the photos used on your website are relevant to the brand of your company.

For example, if you deal with beauty products, you should look for photos that entice customers to buy and use your products. The photos should also be visually appealing to a point where your website visitors can easily know what you deal with by just looking at them.

2. Use High-Quality Photos

Your website visitors are likely going to leave your website if they find poor-quality photos on your website. It, therefore, means that you should use high-quality photos that make your website stand out from your competitors.

When choosing photos, look for the ones with high resolution and large pixels. They are usually clearer and make your website look better. When it comes to the size of the photos, you need to optimize your website for both mobile devices and desktops.

3. Let Your Photos Talk For You

You need to attract your website visitors with photos that do the talking for your website. This means that you do not need to have so much text on the website. Doing so makes the website look busy and cluttered.

Instead, you can go for photos that pass the point across. It is important to note that no matter how good the text might seem to be, most customers do not like to read text. They want to know what you are selling by just looking at your photos.

4. Other People’s Photos Will Often Be Copyright — Try Using Your Own Instead

Most content creators are quite lazy when it comes to getting their photos for their websites. They, therefore, end up using other people’s photos, forgetting that this will be copyrighted. As discussed above, other people’s photos and stock images are easy to notice and might drive your customers away.

Fortunately, designing or creating your photos is quite easy these days. This is because you can use an image editor to customize photos and change them to anything that you want. This way, you will avoid copyrighted photos on your website.

5. Add a Call-To-Action on Images

When visitors come to your website, chances are that you want them to do something. For instance, you might want them to initiate a transaction, subscribe to something, or even engage with your customer support.

Instead of writing too much text trying to convince them to take the action that you want, why not just use a photo with a call-to-action? This way, your website visitors will understand what you want them to do without having to read through long chunks of text.

6. Optimize Photos for SEO

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is one of the most important things you need to look at when creating content for your website. There are many ways of optimizing a website for SEO, with one of them ensuring that your images are optimized.

Together with the guidelines discussed above, search engines should be able to index all your website photos.

If you follow the guidelines discussed in this article, you will end up with a website that has photos that make it stand out from those of your competitors.
