How to easily detect plagiarism and ai content with a professional online tool

The consequences of using text generated by a neural network or plagiarized are unpredictable. There is a risk of a drop in search results, reader dissatisfaction, and the likelihood of receiving a complaint about plagiarism.

Artificial intelligence reaches new heights every day. AI capabilities are truly amazing. Chat GPT and its analogs have taken over the Internet — with their help, they write not only articles, texts for advertising, and greeting cards but also essays and term papers. However, we don’t recommend you use AI to write your papers without editing them. Today, teachers check all assignments for generated content and put low grades if it is detected. We recommend you use the AI generator checker after finishing writing your papers to avoid such unpleasant situations.

photo by andrea piacquadio from pexels

Should you use AI in writing?

In copywriting, AI is becoming one of the most relevant tools. According to some employers, if a copywriter wants to earn above the market average, now they simply need to be able to use neural networks correctly in their work. This is just one of the in-demand skills that will help you earn more.

However, this is only one side of the coin. In addition to convenience and saving resources, technologies create many problems. They cause discontent among authors whose materials algorithms use as sources. They undermine trust in students, copywriters, and agencies: doubts arise that a person wrote the texts.

Moreover, Google ranks sites with low-quality content worse, which most often results from generated texts.

To avoid unpleasant consequences and control the quality of content, we offer a guide on how to detect plagiarism easily with a professional online tool.

Choose the right tools

If you are interested in tools for detecting plagiarism and AI content, you will easily find many free and paid options. Almost all the systems offer a free plan with limited functionality, which will be quite enough for periodic checks of small texts. For regular mass analysis, it is worth purchasing a paid subscription to one of the services.

  • will check your texts not only for plagiarism but also for AI. It is a great choice if you don’t want to use different services to check uniqueness and generated content.
  • Grammarly, Turnitin, and Copyscape are good tools for checking plagiarism.
  • Copyleaks, GPTZero, and are good tools for checking generated content.

Upload or paste your text

Once you select a tool, you can either copy and paste the text or upload it into the program. Some platforms accept multiple formats, making it easier to check different types of content.

Conduct an analysis

Usually, natural language processing methods and machine learning algorithms are used to check texts for artificial intelligence. The tools that we have mentioned are trained to study patterns and characteristics of different forms of writing and can easily detect them. In percentage terms, they show the probability that a neural network generated the text.

Plagiarism detection tools that we have mentioned will highlight the parts that match other texts on the Internet. They will provide the links to sources where matches were found.

In what cases is text checking for AI and plagiarism most accurate?

photo by cottonbro studio from pexels

We checked different detector services and identified the best ones among them – these are the programs that show good results. After checking, three key conclusions can be made.

  1. First – the ideal AI and plagiarism detector, alas, does not exist. However, it is possible to single out a professional service that would accurately identify plagiarized and AI content – Nevertheless, everyone can choose a program based on their wishes.
  2. Second – there are paid and free detectors on the market. Many services offer flexible plans or discount promo codes, and in extreme cases – a trial version or a limited number of characters for a free check. If you need the service one time, there is no point in paying, and you can use free services. If you need to check content regularly, it makes sense to buy a subscription.
  3. Third, there are many detectors that offer additional features, and it often makes sense to choose them instead of minimalistic services. For example, you can choose if you want to check the text not only for AI but also for uniqueness. Also, some tools offer features like API integration, SEO text analysis, Google Chrome extension, add-ons for Word and other services, the ability to read from links, and much more. If you use the detector for business purposes, all this can be very useful.

In general, the choice should be made based on individual preferences – each service that we have mentioned in the article has something to demonstrate.

Why does each of us need to use AI and plagiarism-checking

  • Disinformation. If the content contains plagiarism and AI-generated parts, the problem is that you will never understand which piece of text corresponds to reality and which does not.
  • Copyright infringement. Content created by artificial intelligence is often taken from other sources. With plagiarism, the probability is close to 100%. If you use a robot’s or plagiarized content for commercial purposes without first checking it for uniqueness, you may have problems.
  • Reputation risk. Texts written by AI or plagiarized content are still perceived by people rather negatively – they have an aura of “hack work.” If your audience finds out that a robot is writing your texts for you, or you copied texts from other sources, this is fraught with loss of trust and disappointment.

Is artificial intelligence so terrible?

On the one hand, AI technologies are our best assistants. They allow us to scale content and save a significant portion of resources. This trend is firmly established in the modern world and is designed to make our lives and routine work processes easier.

At the same time, the consequences of using text generated by a neural network are unpredictable. There is a risk of a drop in search results, reader dissatisfaction, and the likelihood of receiving a complaint about plagiarism.

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