To keep users on the site, it is necessary to provide them with really worthwhile text content, which will also be visually pleasing – structured, visually supplemented, and adapted to the target audience. At the same time, a person should understand that he is interested in a few seconds. Yes, he will not immediately read every sentence, but quickly skim through the material to assess its quality and ability to solve the necessary issue. So how do you write content for a website to hook as many users as possible? Let’s take a look at 7 effective and modern tips.
Before writing any content, analyze your audience. If you are just starting a website, then first find it. Without understanding who you are writing to, it will be impossible to create relevant text. Gather as much data as possible:
The more points in the analysis, the easier it will be. You can start with the material you have/plan to create and determine who might be interested in it, what problems it can solve, and what requests it can answer. Then combine the data, add the results to the content plan, and tailor each post to be released to fit the target audience.
All site content should be meaningful to users. You should not integrate empty pages that have no value, but at the same time, they are optimized and constantly hang at the very top of the search results. People will quickly understand this and leave the site.
Add only the necessary texts that fully reveal the topic and provide answers to questions.
For any website content is best to start with a content plan and follow it. For new platforms, it is worth compiling it for a week or a maximum of a month. Then gradually increase the time frame – a quarter, six months, and a year. But constantly rely on the analysis of the target audience to pick up worthy topics. Over time, it will be easier, because. you will understand which topics are more suitable for users and which are not. The main thing is to analyze the results in time.
Any content should look neat on the site. Avoid solid canvases – no one dares to read them. Divide the text into blocks, write headings, break it into paragraphs, alternately long and short sentences, and prepare hyperlinks and text highlights to focus on what is important.
Headings should fully reflect the essence of what is stated under them. If you’re writing a section called “The process of making pumpkin soup” don’t include information about how to choose the pumpkin itself.
Create visually readable text using the optimal font and background.
Don’t forget lists. Try to use them in every text so that it is convenient for a person to read. It is optimal to prescribe 1 numbered or bulleted list for 1000-2000 characters without spaces. It’s also important to leave some white space between paragraphs and when transitioning to different types of content.
Content writing just seems easy. It is important to take into account a huge number of factors from spelling to style in order to create something really worthwhile. Hire a good copywriter who knows all the intricacies of text content or use professional writing service to eliminate even the slightest roughness of future texts.
Users still pay attention to errors and react negatively to complex and incomprehensible sentences. Do not take risks, it is better to trust professionals.
Even informational posts should include a call to action (CTA) and motivate users to continue interacting with the site. These can be buttons: share on social networks, save an article, postpone reading, learn more, similar articles on this topic, and so on. If you add a video to the text, be sure to provide a link to a full review or download. You can also gently suggest signing up, joining a community, or subscribing to updates.
The main thing is to do it all gently without unnecessary aggression, and then customers themselves will continue to surf your site.
Every sentence written should have value. You can’t set the “water” text – the user will not benefit. Be sure to re-read the written information before sending it and delete unnecessary sentences. Even if the content is on several pages, it will be reduced to a couple of paragraphs – this will be better, because. the essence, the answer to his question is important to the user. He is not ready to read canvases without a semantic load, so he will immediately leave the page.
When describing a text about “X Effective and Modern Tips to Write Website Content”, write only about it, without being distracted by secondary issues. If they are also interesting, describe them in another post with the appropriate title and insert a hyperlink so that the client understands that they are ready to continue to help. People are not ready to read overly long posts unless they are saturated with value for their specific request. It will be better to write briefly, compressing the volume as much as possible, but leaving the text interesting.
When a user enters a site, he wants to immediately understand if the information described here can help him, and then quickly go to a specific section. To do this, it will be useful to provide a table of contents with the ability to click and move to the desired piece of text.
Content is more than just text. Infographics, videos, pictures, charts, graphs, etc. – all this can and should be included in texts. They unload a little and allow you to be distracted.
Today, infographics are very popular, when a piece of text is parsed in a graphic format. Often with its help, it is possible to explain complex things and present boring topics in a freer and more interesting way. To implement infographics, you can turn to professional designers or try to make them yourself using different tools.
We’ve broken down the top tips for writing decent content that work and are effective for different types of sites. Remember that almost all of these items are enough to complete once, after which you will simply enjoy the statistics of page traffic and periodically update information and other types of content. And do not forget to analyze the results of your work.