The best web designers bring out the latest in website designs for you to choose from.
So you always have new and fresh designs to look at and select. From ecommerce templates like VirtueMart,  PrestaShop, OpenCart and Magento to  CMS templates like WordPress and Moto CMS HTML.  These responsive website templates fit popular digital devices and are designed with  sliders, carousels, parallax, videos, galleries and blogs to engage the user.  Here are a few:

New and fresh   our latest website templates

Template 61362 – Touch Photo Responsive Website Template

A globe formed by photographs  against a glowing blue background responds to the hand signal (touch or mouse)  and the globe rotates, while selected photographs expand and can be seen as a slideshow in this Touch Photo Responsive Website Template, an impressive portfolio for a photographer.  Photographs are also seen in smaller images below which can also be viewed as a slideshow.  The icons on the top right show the globe and horizontal view options. When the globe icon is clicked, the photo-globe forms in an interesting way in a spiral format.  The hamburger menu icon opens up to reveal the web pages and information about the photographer, her bio and services.

Template 61362 - Touch Photo Responsive Website Template

Template 61356 – Spiceli Spices Responsive VirtueMart Template with Slider, Catalog, Newsletter Pop-up, Blog, Customization Tool, Product Zoom and Product Video

This Spiceli Spices Responsive VirtueMart Template  displays organic spices tastefully using blue and red with brown as theme colors.  The Customization Tool enables you to make changes in the theme colors.  The pop-up newsletter invites the user to sign-in and subscribe.  The header slider with bold fonts and images presents a pleasing display of spices. Featured products lead to product pages with descriptions, prices, shopping cart, product reviews, slideshows, some videos, social media icons. Banners on the home page promote specific spices, discounts and newsletter subscription.  Featured Brands are given focus on the footer.  The template has a megamenu with images that help sell products and promote discounts.

Template 61356 - Spiceli Spices Responsive VirtueMart Template

Template 61409 – Infantello Infant Responsive PrestaShop Theme with Slider, Carousel, Customization Tool

The slider for this Infantello Infant Responsive PrestaShop Theme shows clothing and footwear products for infants and toddlers. Banners with zoom show a delightful little baby with a cap with a message promoting a sale. Other banners with zooming hover effects promote gifts and discounts.  Popular products are shown in a carousel and lead to product pages with product data , reviews, product slideshows with zoom, prices, colors, discounts if any and shopping cart. Related products are shown in carousels. The template supports four languages and two currencies.

Template 61409 - Infantello Infant Responsive PrestaShop Theme with Slider, Carousel, Customization Tool

Template 60122 – Photoprint Images Responsive WordPress Theme with Parallax, Carousel, Slider, Video Integration, Blog

The look and feel of this template is bold, bright and beautiful. Yellow and red with a lively model and  a lovable dog give a cheerful message of a company that delivers high quality printing on time.  The red banner communicates the company’s corporate message with smaller banners with icons telegraphing its strengths of lower costs, high quality printing, in-house graphic designers and door-to-door delivery.  A grid design displays a portfolio of images to with captions on hover to show all the Services of the company from Book Printing to Business Cards Printing to T-Shirt Printing to Hi-resolution Poster Printing. The company then gets down to business and with two colorful  banners displaying its prowess in printing.  The second one has  colorful geometric shapes as a background with a table displaying its  business rate card with  Order Now buttons providing a call to action.  A customer testimonial below builds credibility in the minds of prospective new customers.   You can change the look of the home page of  your template to suit your preferences by choosing a different header or footer or typography  style from the options provided in the drop-down menu. The Blog provides flexibility in post formats, providing several options for you to choose from as given in the drop-down menu from Standard to Image formats,  to Gallery to Quote, Video and link formats. It also provides blog  layout options.

Template 60122 - Photoprint Images Responsive WordPress Theme with Parallax, Carousel, Slider, Video Integration, Blog

Template 60047 – Starbis Business Responsive Website Template with Slider, Gallery, Blog, Bootstrap

This Starbis Business Responsive Website Template  is smart and flexible with homepage options, portfolio variations, header and footer options, blog layouts for you to choose from, The template includes a slider,  team presentation, brand presentation, testimonials in a carousel, progress bars and animations,  icons, brand presentation and more.  The drop-down menu gives you the Pages at a glance, and under Components  you get an idea of what you can add to your website, for example Progress Bars and Forms.   The template also has an ecommerce feature that enables you to sell online.

Template 60047 - Starbis Business Responsive Website Template with Slider, Gallery, Blog, Bootstrap

Template 61413 – Party Time Responsive Shopify Theme with Slider, Newsletter Pop-up, Blog, Bootstrap, Theme Customizer, Megamenu

 This Party Time Responsive Shopify Theme grabs attention with its cheerful and colorful slider for different and promoting sales of party balloons, a grid layout, a Theme Customizer to change theme colors to your liking, four-language support and a sitemap.  The megamenu has product -related images that help to sell products, or posts leading to the blog. Products are featured on grids and parallax  banners for a 3D look.  Product pages have slideshows and some have videos that show balloons in different colors, floating up in the air. Product descriptions, prices, shopping cart, social media icons and related products are also shown.  The Blog has hints on parties and decorations. Items on sale are conveniently displayed under the Sale menu. The template also has an About Us page introducing the company and the team, backed with testimonials from customers.

Template 61413 - Party Time Responsive Shopify Theme with Slider, Newsletter Pop-up, Blog, Bootstrap, Theme Customizer, Megamenu

Template 61230 – Twen Fashion Responsive PrestaShop Theme with Slider

This Twen Fashion Responsive PrestaShop Theme  showcases fashion wear with
call-to-action buttons in the header sliders.  Banners with rollover effects highlight new arrivals, new fashion collections and discounts.  Products are shown in a grid layout with Quick Views , leading to pages with slideshows with zoom, prices with discounts if any, color variations, shopping cart, social media icons, descriptions and product details.  A Search function on top of the page enables the user to search the catalog. Larger banners below attractively present fashion wear on discount and a parallax banner showcases a special collection. Featured products are shown in a grid below. Footer navigation and a sitemap makes it easy for the user to find what s/he is looking for. The template also invites the user to subscribe to a newsletter. The template supports four languages and two currencies.

Template 61230 - Twen Fashion Responsive PrestaShop Theme with Slider, Parallax, Catalog

Template 61212 – Vesmall Wholesale  Responsive PrestaShop Theme with Slider, Carousel, Illustrations, Parallax,  Theme Customizer

Vesmall Wholesale  Responsive PrestaShop Theme  is a modern template for a wholesale shop,  designed with geometric shapes, a slider, banners and carousels to promote products under different departmental heads. Menu illustrations differentiate the various departments.  Products are displayed in a grid with Quick Views to facilitate quick buying for users who have made up their minds, or lead to product pages with more detailed  information, product slideshows with zoom, prices with discounts if any, data sheets, reviews, videos and shopping cart. Other products are shown in carousels below. Footer navigation makes it easy to browse the website which also has a sitemap in the menu. A drop-down megamenu has illustrations and images and gives details that help promote sales (see Grocery section).  Each department has a separate banner on the top of the page with content and image describing what that particular section of the store offers. The Customization Tool enables you to change the color of your theme.

Template 61212 - Vesmall Wholesale Responsive PrestaShop Theme with Slider, Carousel, Illustrations, Parallax, Theme Customizer

Template 61290 – Dream Spa Moto CMS HTML Template with Slider and Gallery

Dream Spa Moto CMS HTML Template is stylishly designed with a grid layout and banners, gentle soothing colors lavender and beige and an understated slider showing testimonials from clients. The About Us page introduces the company, the team and the massage therapists. The Services page gives details on services and pricing with images. The Gallery with soothing colors promotes the different massages and therapies offered by the spa.

Template 61290 - Dream Spa Moto CMS HTML Template with Slider and Gallery

Template 61307 – Paper Market Responsive OpenCart Template with  Parallax,Slideshows, Blog

This Paper Market Responsive OpenCart Template has a homepage where paper products can be viewed by category. The Category menu has drop-downs with sample lists of more products. Products with captions are displayed in a grid with hover effects  and captions and lead to product pages with product slideshows with zoom, product color options, prices, reward points, minimum quantities, product  descriptions, specifications, reviews, videos, shopping cart, delivery date and time, social media icons.  Today’s Deals are highlighted in a carousel on the homepage with popular categories below.  A banner showcases special products while New Arrivals, Best Sellers, Top Rated and Specials are shown below. Category pages have a description of the product category and a display of the products in the category in grid or list view. The template has a blog that can be used to promote the products.

Template 61307 - Paper Market Responsive OpenCart Template with Parallax, Slideshows, Blog

Template 61191 – Babytera Infant Responsive Magento Theme with Slider, Newsletter Pop-up,  Carousel, Video Integration, Blog

This Babytera Infant Responsive Magento Theme is designed to captivate new moms and dads and those near and dear ones who would love to gift a new baby a set of clothes. Designed in blue and pink, it’s easy to find stuff for boys and girls.  The header slider promotes sales through discounts and shows a mom holding up a baby body suit and close-ups of beautiful babies wearing baby clothes. A banner on the homepage with animation promoting Top Sellers leads the user to a page with popular products while another banner with a hover effect on the text and an image of a pregnant lady shows what you can get free if you buy two baby products.  The footer banner promotes new arrivals.   Clicking on a product leads to a product page with slideshows, color options, product descriptions, additional information,  reviews,  videos,prices, shopping cart, social media icons and other products in carousels.  The drop-down menu under Baby Clothes makes it easy to find what you are looking and there are separate pages for baby shoes, gift sets and  baby gear. The informative footer includes store contact information and account sign-in, shipping and returns, group sales, social media icons and more.  Footer navigation makes it easy for the user to find what s/he is looking for and includes a sitemap. An About Us paragraph sums up the web store’s promise to make the online experience enjoyable for the customer. The template includes a search function and a drop-down menu from neat icons on top.  A newsletter pop-up invites users to sign-in to subscribe.

Template 61191 - Babytera Infant Responsive Magento Theme with Slider, Newsletter Pop-up, Carousel, Video Integration, Blog

Template 61210 – Softwaric Software Responsive Shopify Theme with Slider,  Blog

This Softwaric Software Responsive Shopify Theme has a simple and uncluttered design with brightly colored boxes displayed in a carousel with geometric design backgrounds giving a high-tech look and highlighting the kinds of software systems offered by the company. The slider shows people smoothly going about their work  in an office, using different computers and mobile devices.  It is software that enables them to function with ease.   Featured products with Quick Views are displayed in a grid layout in a carousel. Users/vendors need to sign in to access product details on product pages. The Blog promotes software for different purposes.  The Sale page leads the user to hot deals and special offers and discounts. The Collections page promotes software for specific purposes, – eg for accounting, games, etc. The About Us page introduces the company and the team, and provides testimonials to build credibility. The template supports three currencies: USD, GBP, EUR and four languages English, French, Spanish, Russian, German.  It has a search function and a sitemap in the drop-down menu under Home.

Template 61210 - Softwaric Software Responsive Shopify Theme with Slider, Carousel, Blog

Template 61324 – Crafty Jewelry Responsive WordPress Theme with Carousel, Slider and Blog

This Crafty Jewelry Responsive WordPress Theme  for bespoke handcrafted jewelry is designed in mint green and white which is refreshingly easy on the eye and sets off the appeal of the jewelry.  The header slider entices the user into the website with the message – “Order 1 item today.  Get the next one 50% off!”  The slider message continues with a personal one from the store owner saying that she has created hundreds of pieces over the last five years, and inviting the user to describe what she would like created for her. Stores where the jewelry can be bought are shown with icons. A brief history of how the owner came into the jewelry business from the time she was a little girl, gets the user interested.   Unusual pieces of jewelry are shown below with captions. When clicked, they lead into the blog with larger images and information. This template can be customized with the blog layout and post formats available. Header and footer settings, typography and elements such as animated counters, images, calls to action and more can be changed using the formats available.   Template 61324 - Crafty Jewelry Responsive WordPress Theme with Carousel, Slider and Blog

Template 61165 – Cookery Book Responsive WordPress Theme with Slider, Carousel, Parallax, Background Video, Video Integration, Blog, Live Customizer

This WordPress Theme for a recipe book has a built-in “wow”factor with its neat, professional, minilmal look that guides you effortlessly through the site.  Category views on a wooden table setting provides a natural look and takes the user into an animated gallery with slideshows with zoom.  The template provides live customization options with readymade blog posts and layouts including image, video, gallery, quote and audio posts.  You can also tweak elements of the homepage such as header and footer settings, typography, lists, image alignments, block quotes  and other elements without writing a line of code. This social media integrated template has a smart orange and black theme with a textured wooden background.


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