Build a website while you save time, effort and money with awesome website templates from Entheos. Here we present the latest selection of our best templates. From Joomla to WordPress to Muse templates, WooCommerce to PrestaShop templates, our Responsive Website Templates are optimized for use on desktop and mobile devices.

Update your present outdated website with the latest generation web technology and have your site up and running in no time with a selection from our beautiful website template designs –  for education, sports, ecommerce,  professional and business websites and more.  Begin now!

Best Website Templates June 2015

Template 54813 – Tai Chi Responsive Website Template with Parallax and Gallery

Template 54813   tai chi responsive website template with parallax


Lilac, blue and gold bring a peaceful warm glow into this minimalist design promoting a School of Tai Chi with large headlines and content sections. Parallax banners provide a 3D effect.  Photographs of people practicing the art in nature add to the peaceful look and web content educates the user about Tai Chi.  Icons, ghost buttons, circles and animations on scroll, keep the user interested. Coaches are introduced on the site. A gallery shows courses and coaches at all levels at work. Social media buttons enable the user to connect with the company.

Template 54837 – Ski Hotel Responsive Joomla Template with Gallery and Blog

This Ski Hotel Responsive Joomla Template  uses magnificent images and
has blog functionality for easy addition and updation of content. Each page on
this site is differently designed with timeline, gallery, video  and banners with
content boxes and ghost buttons on images providing a lot of information
packaged attractively and visually. The homepage has an option for a slider or
video intro showing beautiful pictures of the ski resort.  Text is simple and clear
with large headlines on a white background with icons to break up text.
Testimonials are presented on a carousel on a grey image overlay on the backdrop
of a large image of mountains, with the faces of the people in circles. A newsletter
adds to user interest and ghost buttons keep visual distractions to the minimum.
The search box expands on hover over the magnifying-glass search icon, saving
space under the menu.  News is presented on a white background – images
enlarge on hover. The template has a large dropdown menu under Home which
features a login form and color banners with promotional offers. Social media
icons on footer help the user connect with the company.
Template 54837   ski hotel responsive joomla template

Template 54806 – Premium Floor Responsive PrestaShop Theme with Product Slideshows, Carousels

The header with intro slider has buttons which lead into pages promoting flooring
products as gifts. Banners enlarge on hover and demonstrate flooring products
which are sold in grid format in a carousel, viewable in four categories – popular,
new arrivals, best sellers and specials. Each product has a Quick View with a
slideshow and color options, price, payment options and social media icons.
Product pages have more information, with data sheets and video. Other products
in the same category are shown in a carousel below. A parallax banner on the
homepage has a 3D look shows the products in use.  Manufacturers’ logos are
given prominence in a carousel below the banner. Promotional offers and messages
on shipping are highlighted in smaller banners above the footer.  The footer has
short content about the company, useful links, a sitemap, flooring categories,
account links, store information and social media icons. Navigation is intuitive and
clear, with a megamenu holding multiple links and promotional color banners.Template 54806   premium floor responsive prestashop theme

Template 54799 – Education Centre Responsive WordPress Theme with Parallax, Slider, Blog and Portfolio

This template follows a banner and grid format to convey a lot of information neatly and clearly.The intro slider gives attractive snapshots of college life.   Parallax provides a 3D effect while scrolling. Grid images of courses lead into the gallery while a banner with large font headline leads into online course.  A banner with blog excerpts leads into the blog. Student testimonials are highlighted right next to the address.   The blog with comment forms invites students to connect with the college.  Social media icons on the footer invite the student to engage with the college community.

Template 54799   education centre responsive wordpress theme with parallax slider blog and portfolio

Template 54825 – Exterior Landscape Design Responsive Joomla Template with Parallax, Slider, Blog and Gallery

This neat and minimalistic design is a little unusual as it features a diagonal header and footer. The hidden search bar in the menu expands on hover over the search icon.The slider displays beautiful gardens and exteriors landscaped by the company. Customer testimonials and tweets are shared in carousels. Services are presented in neat boxes with small icons.  Ghost buttons with rounded edges turn green on hover, in keeping with the green theme. An order form encourages the user to take the decision to landscape the exterior, and a newsletter signup on the footer  keeps the user informed of the company’s latest developments.  Under Projects is a megamenu dropdown option that includes a login form and color banner with promotional offer. News and events are presented in the blog with its attractive grid and banner design.


Template 54782 – Running Club Muse Template 

Bold attention-getting headline fonts,  timer-style numbering, geometric elements like diagonals, diamond grids in dotted lines on black, circles in color, a large circle with  bokeh effects to give a sense of speed,  text animations on scroll and social media icons in white circles on a black footer followed by a location map – all these elements along with dynamic images of athletes running make this  Running Club Muse Template a  fine example of a modern website design.  White space makes text stand out and red buttons give a call to action. Inner pages have a different layout using smaller headers and  similar elements like large text, diagonals, diamonds, colored circles, and images. News and Events sections feature blog articles, an events calendar and read more pages.

Template 54782   running club muse template

Template 54789 – Wine Responsive WordPress Theme with Parallax,
Blog, Lazy Load Effect and Gallery

High quality photography, modern graphics, plenty of white space and classic fonts
give this Wine Blog Responsive WordPress Theme a sophisticated look. The
theme colors are red, black and green with an abundance of classy white for
easy readability. Photo overlays give a realistic yet shadowy effect to a cluster of
grapes as if hangings from a vine outside a window, while real green leaves, a vine, corkscrew and wine glass, form a border around the page.  Large typography catches
the eye and along with a grape and text animation, makes a statement of quality.  A
black and white grid interspersed with color images of wine attracts attention to the contents of the blog.  The black squares turn red on hover and lead into blog content. Parallax banners and images with lazy load effect give a rich visual feast for the eyes.
A newsletter signup keeps the user informed of the latest events in the winery.  The
inner pages of the site introduce the team and highlight testimonials on red banners.
The gallery is presented in slideshow, image, gallery, video or audio formats and can
be viewed by category. The blog has posts with large attractive images and comment forms.

Template 54789   wine responsive wordpress theme with parallax blog  lazy load effect and gallery

Template 54742 – Rock Climbing Responsive Website Template with Parallax and Gallery

Hero images dominate this Rock Climbing Responsive Website Template showing inspiring terrain and techniques for aspiring mountain climbers.  Content is laid out into large banners that visually arrest the eye, and on scrolling down, the special equipment and techniques are demonstrated by climbers at different skill levels, in images in circles on a mountain backdrop.  A coach  is also shown helping a student rock climber. The circles lead into the gallery that can be viewed as a slideshow. Above the footer, a banner with a vista of rocky scenery and a rock climber climbing solo along with eight social media icons, invites the user to “Follow us”.   The footer has contact  information on the backdrop of a mountain, along with a short writeup about the company, and a feedback form.
Template 54742 rock climbing responsive website template with parallax and gallery

Template 54743 – Luxury Linen Responsive PrestaShop Theme with Product Slideshows with Zoom

A newsletter signup pops up on opening the site.  Purple, gold and warm brown, a homepage slider, parallax banners, images with lazy load effect, video, panel and grid layout with rich photography and a footer with useful links all combine to make this site an informative and  user-friendly one.  A mega-menu dropdown with color banners features multiple links. Each product page has a product slideshow with zoom, availability, product description, price, data sheet, video, shopping cart, review, payment options, social media icons. Other products in the same category are shown in a carousel below. Search, shopping cart, language and currency options are prominent on top, a map in the footer.

Template 54743  luxury linen responsive prestashop theme


Template 54734 – Bike Store Responsive WooCommerce Theme with Slider,
Blog, Portfolio and Lazy Load Effect

The blue look is in and the blue photo overlays in this website keep it going strong in the image sliders, shop now hovers leading into product pages with slideshows, shopping cart icons,  caption hovers leading into the blog.  Blue is in the caption holders for the portfolio, leading into blog pages with comment forms.  Blue is in the header and some text.  Cool blues say it all in this Bike Store Responsive WooCommerce Theme.

Template 54734 bike store responsive woocommerce theme with slider blog portfolio and lazy load effect


Template 54704 – Pet Sitting Responsive Website Template with Video Background
and Photo Gallery
Colored squares catch the user’s eye and draw attention to the services of the Pet Sitting service in this template. A video playing in the background shows a dog licking a friendly human hand. The photo gallery with zoom shows adorable pets up close.  A banner draws attention to special care given to senior pets. Testimonials in blurbs tell about the experience of satisfied customers to the pet sitting service. Animation and images add to the visual richness of this template.  A newsletter keeps the customer informed of new developments in the company.

Template 54704   pet sitting responsive website template with video background and photo gallery


