Every month, we select the best templates from our collection and showcase them for you on our website. This December, we’re proud to present the cream of the collection –
Best of the Best Website Templates 2016.

Best of the best website templates 2016 | entheosweb

Designed with rich colors, amazing images, great functionality and intuitive navigation, our website templates give you an immersive user experience.  Our templates have awesome features like parallax and lazy load, background video or video integration, animation, zoom and hover effects, full-width images, sliders, galleries and carousels. Our web designers use modular content blocks and UI design to optimize the user experience and engage the user.  Choose from content management systems like WordPress, Moto CMS 3, Moto CMS HTML, Drupal, and Joomla,  or ecommerce  templates like PrestaShop, Magento and Shopify.  Let your website stand apart from
the rest!

Template 61355 – Toy Store Responsive PrestaShop Theme with Slider

Template 61355 is a Toy Store or Entertainment Prestashop ecommerce website template. The colorful slider promotes toys for children of different age groups. Three categories of toys are showcased on top followed by popular toys below, with slideshows, age ranges, prices, quantities, discounts if any, stock availability and  shopping cart.   The customer can shop by price or age range, by color, gender or brand, by interest or by category, using the left navigation bar under the Filter option when you click Kids on the menu.  Disney characters drop down on the megamenu under Characters. For those unsure of what to give, there is a Gift Finder option on the menu.

Template 61355 toy jung responsive prestashop theme with slider | entheosweb

Template 61203 – Yachting Yacht Responsive OpenCart Template with Slider, Video Integration

This blue, red and white Yachting Template recalls the cool of the sea with red menu drop-downs, triangles, text and banners to demonstrate action.   A newsletter designed in deep blue and red attracts the user to sign up for special offers, events and other store information.  The homepage slider shows yachts of different types, with messages promoting discounts and sales of products associated with yachting – navigation systems, apparel.  Product categories on the homepage are displayed in banners with hover effects, leading into category pages.   Product pages  lead to sales, with slideshows, descriptions, reviews, prices, videos,  shopping cart and other products.

Template 61203 - Yachting Yacht Responsive OpenCart Template with Slider, Video Integration

Template 59200 – Artwork Studio WordPress Theme with Parallax, Gallery, Blog

Parallax effects, custom post formats and customization options enable you you to present this Artwork Studio WordPress Theme in creative ways for immersive 3D experiences and niche audiences. This versatile theme can be shopping-cart-enabled for users to buy art online, as in an Art Gallery, or used as an artist’s or photographer’s portfolio, or to showcase interior or landscape art or fashion design.

Template 59200 - Artwork Studio WordPress Theme with Parallax, Gallery, Blog

Template 59136 – La Resto Responsive Moto CMS 3 Template with Parallax , Carousel, Blog

Full-width parallax banners add a 3-D classy appeal to this Restaurant Responsive Moto CMS 3 Template. Woodcut illustrations, icons, menu images with hover effects, testimonials in text sliders, also viewed in carousels, a banner focusing on the chief chef in the act of preparing a dish, with a description of him, Chef’s Choice dishes highlighted, a newsletter signup – all these elements add color, texture and presentation appeal to attract the customer on the homepage. The address and a Reservation button is given on top of the page, asking for action. The Menu page presents wines and desserts to accompany the main dishes on the homepage, and offers catering services. The Reservation form with an accompanying photograph of an delicious dessert and a subdued image of a main dish tempts a customer to quickly fill out a form and experience the pleasures in store. The Blog presents appetizing dishes, new introductions, special offers for celebrations and events and tips from the chef.

Template 59136 - La Resto Responsive Moto CMS 3 Template with Parallax , Carousel, Blog

Template 57783 – Rhombus Business Responsive Joomla Template with Blog and Gallery

This carefully crafted Joomla website template has a distinctive look, with its restrained yet dramatic use of space. Rhombuses feature overlapping images of businessmen against cityscapes, using creative visualization and double exposure techniques. White space allows the text to stand out. Scrolling down the homepage takes you into sections of the site at a glance, with a navigation menu on top. The Blog and Gallery breaks repetitiveness by changing the visual format to squares, with the Gallery displayed in a carousel.

Template 57783 - Rhombus Business Responsive Joomla Template with Blog and Gallery

Template 59018 – Immotion School Responsive WordPress Theme

This beautifully designed template for a Dance School attracts the eye with dancers in motion through the headline, with a Join! button providing a call to action.  Different dancing styles are demonstrated below with hover effects leading into pages with more information on the dancing styles taught, the instructors, the pricing, and a banner promoting Vivid Dancing Classes with a call to action.   Images of instructors teaching dance students during their sessions are shared below.   The user is invited to sign up for discounts and tips on dancing. The About section introduces the company and the dance styles it is known for. Graphic counters provide statistics on awards won and students served.  Colorful banners and testimonials convince new customers to sign up.  Under the Classes section, a drop-down menu makes it easy for the user to find the dance style s/he is looking for , including a wedding package and private lessons. Instructors are promoted with a page to themselves as well as social media links.  A Schedule enables customers to pick a time slot that fits their routine.  The Blog gives information on different forms of dance in image, gallery, video, quote and link formats.  This Dance Education template enables you to customize the look by choosing from different header or footer settings or styles, typography, blog post formats or layouts.

Template 59018 - Immotion School  Responsive WordPress  Theme

Template 58822 – Lfa Director Responsive WordPress Theme with Slider,
Blog, Gallery, Megamenu, Background Video

The director of lighting is critical to the quality of a film.  This Lfa Director Responsive WordPress Theme with its full-width slider, banner and grid design with rich imagery with its highly visual yet business-like presentation that showcases perfect photography and cinematography along with information and graphs about the company. The full-screen slider with fade-in titles  and social media icons has stunning imagery. Four content boxes lead into the blog with rich imagery and text. Grey polygons in  the background echo the look of the logo and are repeated in banners and the footer. The megamenu showcases image and text descriptions. The gallery with logo branding can be viewed by category and leads into pages with larger images and descriptions with comment forms. Gallery presentation can be displayed in Image, Video or Audio formats.

Template 58822 - Lfa Director Responsive WordPress Theme with Slider, Blog, Gallery, Megamenu, Background Video

Template 57864 – Education+ Private Responsive Drupal Template with Parallax, Background Video, Lazy Load Effects, Blog, Carousel, Portfolio

This elegant  template uses polygons and geometric shapes in the design of this website, a blue and white color theme, a background video with text messages on the header and ghost buttons with rounded edges. The header video which continues on inner pages, shows a student turning the pages of a book and invites students to choose a private teacher to progress in their education.  Blue icons on white give the advantages of the private tutoring. The parallelogram shapes in the logo and in the image shapes in the blue banner show consistency in the layout.  Polygons in the background of the blue banners have an active and dynamic look. Teachers and their specializations are presented in black-and-white images in circular shapes on a white banner. Testimonials in a carousel on a blue banner, with the experiences of satisfied students build credibility and inspire new students to sign up for classes. The About page focuses on the services provided by the teachers, the goals of teachers for students at different levels, from school to college, the advantages of private tuitions in boosting students’ grades in competitive exams,  enabling them to enrol in better colleges and get better jobs.   Information on Teachers is presented in a Gallery with black-and-white circular images that can be viewed by category.  The Blog with circular images in black-and-white has articles on topics that students find helpful.  A contact form and map enables students to get in touch with teachers and enrol for private tuition.

Template 57864 - Education+ Private Responsive Drupal Template with Parallax, Background Video, Lazy Load Effects, Blog, Carousel, Portfolio

Template 57832 – Moto Bikes Responsive PrestaShop Theme with Slider, Newsletter Popup, Slideshow, Blog

This PrestaShop Theme showcases motorbikes with pizzazz, with its bold yellow and black design. The homepage slider rivets the eye with those streamlined wonders. Below, Cruisers, Scooters and Sport  models within circles on a black banner with geometric design invite you to Shop Now! Yellow buttons with rollover effects catch the eye and invite action. The Customization Tool enables you to make color and font changes in your design.  Prefer blue and green?  Switch colors with a simple click and presto!  You can see your theme with buttons and banners in the new theme colors.  To switch back, simply use the Reset button. Decide whether you want a Newsletter Popup or not. A white banner with large headline and text introduces the visitor to the company.  Product banners with promotional text, yellow rollovers and Shop Now buttons lead into the site with products displayed by bike type. Other categories such as clothes, accessories, specials and bestsellers are also featured on the homepage with Quick Views featuring product slideshows, shopping cart, color choices, price, shopping cart and social media icons.  The Blog is highlighted on the homepage with image rollovers, a large banners and links leading to blog articles. The footer with neat text on white has useful links, personalized account links and the address.

Template 57832 - Moto Bikes Responsive PrestaShop Theme with Slider, Parallax, Newsletter Popup, Blog, Theme Color Switcher

Template 58407 – Food & Mood Restaurant Landing Page Template

This Restaurant Landing Page Template is designed in complementary colors of green and lime-green; red, orange and yellow and  shades of purple, beige and brown. The colors divide the content into sections and present a cheerful appeal. Within each color band there are shades like green and lime green, orange and red, shades of purple, beige and brown that give an attractive look to the layout. Green signals Go – Drive in!  An appetizing spread  is presented with a form to make a reservation for a relaxing  sit-down meal and drink. A yellow Search bar encourages you to Find a Table, just in case there is one table free.  The food colors used in this section are more of yellow and brown with touches of red to go with the green background.  Red signals “Do stop by!” A Welcome message and the host’s passion for food is shared in the opening text of the template, along with mouth-watering images of food with touches of red and yellow. The Menu is clearly given with prices in a carousel on a yellow background, which contrasts with purple below. The advantages of the restaurant are spelt out on the purple background  which hints at royal treatment.   Social media icons are in purple too. The guest leaves the site feeling special. The map shows the location.
Template 58407 - Food & Mood Restaurant Landing Page Template

Template 58079 –Infant Baby Magento Responsive Store with Illustrations, Carousel, Slideshows, Video, Megamenu, Newsletter Popup 

Hand-drawn illustrations of  little children, buttons,  borders and labels, hand-lettered fonts make this Magento Responsive Template for an Infant Baby Shop delightfully different from the rest.  You can shop by age and sex, while new and special products are separately presented. It’s interesting how borders appear around the selected product, which takes you into a page with product details, slideshows, color options available, description, price, stock availability, reviews, video, shopping cart,  and related products in a carousel.  The footer has useful links, a sitemap, and links to the user’s account. This template  has a search bar on top and supports 4 languages and 3 currencies.

Template 58079 - Infant Baby Magento Responsive Store with Illustrations, Carousel, Slideshows, Video, Megamenu, Newsletter Popup

These templates are just a representative sample of our over 60,000 templatesBrowse many more popular templates on our website!

Best November 2016 Website Templates

Best October 2016 Website Templates
