Enjoy this Entheos collection of website templates with the latest designs. From flat design to hover effects, sliders, animations, white space and a bold use of fonts, colors, icons and signature design elements, you can choose from contemporary template designs for web stores and websites, blogs and galleries.

Best website templates february 2015

Template 52886 – Personal Assistant Services Responsive One-Page Website Template with Video, Icons, Overlays and Hover Effects

This website theme  uses pleasing shades of red and blue with image overlays, unusual effects like crossed out text on the menu and ‘photo-corners’ on icon boxes,  overlays of white or red, icons,  video, circles with red rectangular rollovers,  images leading into content, and a smart contact form in black on a black suit background.  What is communicated is professionalism, efficiency, reliability  and speed – everything you
would want from a company that’s as good as your personal assistant.  Check out the building images with red and grey overlays at the footer for  a different look.

Template 52886   personal assistant services responsive one page website template with video icons overlays and circles

Template 52179 – Plumbing Company Responsive Joomla Template with Slider, Gallery, Carousel, Blog and Lazy Load

This template is divided into content blocks in color or black and white or grey, in text or images.  The image carousel with lazy load and zoom effects catches your eye along with the colorful fluid menu offset with the grey content slider, a white About Us section, and colorful text banners to match the menu theme.   The logo with bold fonts stands out on a blurred grey background.  Products can be viewed in a full screen slideshow or by category in a gallery.  The blog has images with zoom and lazy load effects or ‘just-in-time’ image loading  – when the image comes into the viewing area.  This versatile theme can be used for industrial, science and environmental websites too.

Template 52179   plumbing company responsive joomla template with slider gallery carousel blog and lazy load

Template 52877 – Business Responsive Website Template with Slider, Carousel,
Gallery and Blog

The colors in the slider highlight the green eco-friendly business norms of the company.   The photo-slider has animations and the messages below are carried in a green slider.   Text boxes in green and related colors draw attention to the company’s strengths.  Testimonials are shown in a carousel against an image banner below.   Services are presented in a gallery with animations and the blog with wide images and animations has useful content.

Template 52877   business responsive website template with slider carousel gallery and blog

Template 52879 – IT Responsive Website Template  with Gallery and Blog

This template with flat design elements, icons and backgrounds gives a contemporary look for infotech services company.  The homepage with graphics, icons and colorful banners provides a quick look at the company’s capabilities. As you scroll down the homepage,  icons, testimonials and blog posts animate on scroll. The blog has an outstanding wide layout with images that arrest the eye.  The company’s products slide into the gallery where they can be enlarged and watched as a slideshow.  More animations bring the latest products into view at the bottom of the page.

Template 52879  it responsive website template with gallery and blog

Template 45676 – Wedding Store ZenCart Template with Slider, Search,
Product Slideshows

This beautiful Wedding Dresses Zencart Template highlights bridal dresses,
jewellery and flowers in the slider. Product pages have slideshows , descriptions, prices, stock availability and shopping cart.   Category pages can be filtered by manufacturer and other filters. The right menu has a sitemap and gift certificates among other useful links.

Template 45676   wedding store zencart template

Template 52938 – County Government Responsive Website Template with Slider, Portfolio, Social and Media Add-ons

This template is themed in grey, green and white to give a feel of dependability and trust, growth, harmony, prosperity and peace. Image overlays add to the grey. Drop-down menus in grey and sub-menus in green enable the addition of multiple pages to provide information to citizens.  The icons telegraph a quick visual message of the social services provided.  Text and images animate on page click to keep the user interested.  You can also enrich the site with portfolios, sliders and social and media inputs using the template add-ons provided.

Template 52938   county government responsive website template with slider portfolio social and media add ons

Template 52853 – Photography Responsive Joomla Template with Slider, Gallery, Blog and Forum

The homepage shows samples of the artiste’s work with zoom effects on scroll or hover.  The slider focuses on portraits and next to it are images from nature – coming soon – to keep the user revisiting the site. User login keeps the site secure and the photographer connected with his user base. The photographer’s works are presented in a sortable gallery that can be viewed as a slideshow.   The blog gives the story behind some of his latest works.  The services page presents the strengths of the photographer that undertakes photo assignments and also has a stock photo library. This template is also suitable for a photo studio or a group of photographers.

Template 52853  photography responsive joomla template with slider gallery blog and forum


Template 52799 – Plus Size Responsive Magento Theme  with Slider, Banners,  Product Slideshows with  Zoom, Video

The slider displays plus size women’s clothing with calls to action and banners below highlight samples from different manufacturers.  More products and a large parallax banner  with a smooth scroll takes you to view  specials. Another large banner below with twirling numbers on hover, highlighting facts about the store. Clicking on a banner takes you into a category page.   Product pages contain a product slideshow with image zoom, product description, price, stock availability, reviews, video and related products.

Template 52799   plus size responsive magento theme with slider banners product slideshows with zoom video

Template 52693 – Furniture Company Responsive Magento Theme with Slider, Parallax  Banners,   Product Slideshows with Zoom, Blog

The slider with images of furniture with overlays has calls to action in green and messages in slim stylish fonts.  The menu in green stays fixed on scroll and a broad dropdown sub-menu makes it easy to add multiple pages.   These are not bland drop-downs but have menu text superimposed on a background image of furniture, with green bands appearing on hover, and include banner ads.  In fact , they are like formal page layouts hidden from view until the user needs them.   A white background on the homepage makes the furniture products stand out along with calls to action, prices and a quick overview that includes a slideshow with image zoom, product description, more detail and review, neatly presented in a table.   A slider banner in green with quotes from satisfied customers lends authenticity to the site. Fixed parallax banners provide an impression of depth, against which text on transparent overlays looks elegant.  Icons visually telegraph company messages and animate and change color on hover.   Blog posts on the homepage catch the eye as they animate on scroll and lead into the blog with comment forms and a poll.

Template 52693   furniture company responsive magento theme with slider parallax banners product slideshows with zoom blog

Template 52830 – University Responsive WordPress Theme,   Carousel, Blog, Gallery, Lazy Load Effect

Red is the color of energy, passion and action, signifying leadership qualities and determination.   Taking its cue from the red logo, this template uses red as its main color theme, offset by white and grey with a black footer.  The header with a color overlay of light red shows bright-eyed young people living out their dreams of a university education.  Icons on transparent overlays invite closer attention and on hover the backgrounds turn red with white text giving more information and leading into the site. The slider provides content along with images and elegant fonts in red and black and gives reasons why the user should join the university.  Famous students and alumni of the university are shown in a carousel below to enthuse potential students to join. Programs are shown in a gallery of images with zoom effects that can be viewed by category. The template has lazy loading that enables images to load only when they appear in view on scroll.  The blog engages with students and deals with questions that they may have. The footer has useful links for ease of navigation.

Template 52830   university responsive wordpress theme carousel blog gallery lazy load effect

Template 52896 – Friendly Meal Delivery Responsive Drupal Template with
Slider, Gallery and Blog, Ghost Buttons 

This minimalist, flat template uses ghost buttons and design as its design theme. The slider images superimposed with white borders and messages show healthy food being delivered at the doorstep of an elderly couple.  Ghost buttons (transparent, hollow buttons with thin fonts and borders) and animations; text overlays on images in blurbs within thin lines on sliders, leading to testimonial pages; white space, a grey menu and news area that leads to the blog keep this site simple and clean, with contacts in ghost buttons on images on the footer.  The ghost buttons merge themselves seamlessly with the site, yet catch the user’s eye and lead to action.  The Menu is presented in a gallery that can be viewed by category.  News is presented in a blog with video integration, comment login forms, and a poll.

Template 52896   friendly meal delivery responsive drupal template with slider gallery and blog ghost buttons

Template 52263 – Hosting Company ZenCart Template with Yellow and Black Geometric Design, Slideshow, Banners

This website with geometric design in yellow and black, projects the image of a contemporary hosting company in tune with the latest technologies. Yellow is uplifting, stimulating and confident while black spells power, sophistication and control. White and grey add balance to the design.  The homepage with slideshow introduces the company’s main services with banners below giving the prices of different package rates for hosting.  A large black banner with geometric design and yellow icons attracts the user’s attention to other services of the company.  Sales of special products are highlighted below the banner and lead to product pages when clicked.  The product pages have images of products, model information, stock availability, descriptions, and price.   All products have calls to action. A button leads to the reviews page.  The site has search and shopping cart functionality.  The footer in light grey contains useful links including a sitemap.  This is a good website design for an internet services company or a software or hardware products company.

Template 52263   hosting company zencart template with yellow and black geometric design slideshow banners

Template 52833 – Construction Architecture Responsive WordPress Theme with Parallax Slider, Gallery, Blog and Lazy Load

The homepage has a parallax slider that gives a 3D feel.   Ghost buttons provide a touch of elegance and call the user to action.  Blue banners with animated icons change color to white on hover.  Ten image banners in two rows spotlight the contruction company’s skills in different areas of construction and lead into the blog with more details about the area shown.  A large fixed parallax banner on the homepage provides depth to the background where latest news is posted from the newsletter. Animated text columns with parallax elements  give and overview of the company followed by a map with contacts and a mini-photogallery on the footer.  The company’s services are presented in a gallery in image, slideshow, gallery, video or audio formats and can be viewed by category.

Template 52833   construction architecture responsive wordpress theme with parallax slider gallery blog and lazy load

Template 52626 – Pets Online Responsive PrestaShop Theme with Product Slideshows and Image Zoom, Hover Animations

Mustard, green, orange and red are the bright and happy theme colors in this template, with mustard holding it all together.  A broad drop-down menu enables the addition of multiple pages. The homepage with colorful banners next to cute images of pets draw attention to new arrivals and sales.  Smaller banners below in a deeper shade of mustard highlight the store’s strengths with icons.   Animations on hover catch the eye and focus it on the shopping cart.  Products with Quick Views giving product slideshows with image zoom and descriptions, price and shopping cart, call the user to action.  Category pages are designed in light orange and can be sorted by manufacturer or price or other parameters.  The footer has useful links for ease of navigation.  Search and shopping cart are prominent at the top.

Template 52626   pets online responsive prestashop theme with product slideshows and image zoom animations

Template 52935 – Food Online Responsive Shopify Theme with Parallax, Slider,   Catalog and Blog, Product Slideshows with Image Zoom 

Template 52935   food online responsive shopify theme with parallax slider catalog and blog product slideshows with image zoom

This website template is designed in orange, black and white with text animations
on scroll. The orange drop-down menu provides ample space to add multiple pages, whether  it is for the catalog or for the blog or for sales.  The slider presents appetizing images of food, with smaller images below, with zoom effects on hover  and calls to action.  A large Shop and Save fixed parallax banner highlights activity in the kitchen and shows a large orange Shop Now button.  Featured products with hover effects and calls to action buttons are shown in a carousel below.  Product pages have product slideshows with image zoom, while other product images are shown with animations to hold the user’s eye and lead him to look at more items in the site.  The blog features descriptions of various dishes with comment forms below.  The footer in black has useful links for ease of navigation.  Account, login and checkout functions are prominent on top.

Template 52842 – Energy Responsive Joomla Template with Slider, Gallery and Blog

This Energy Responsive Joomla Template is designed in shades of green and grey.  The menu  is in green blocks with grey drop-downs and green sub-menus.  The slider images with overlays of green demonstrate the different ways in which the company protects the environment.  The company’s main areas of focus are shown in circles that turn to squares on hover, while the colored images in them turn to black and white. The user is invited to read more about each of these focus areas by clicking a button.  A green banner below takes the user into the About Us page, where the company and the team is introduced.   Below the green banner on the homepage is a sliding carousel showing the latest projects of the company and leading into the blog.   A grey banner carries icons in circles that turn green with zoom effects on hover and leading into pages with more details.  The Programs the company are presented in a gallery that can be viewed as a full-screen slideshow.

Template 52842   energy responsive joomla template with slider gallery and blog

Template 51150 – Travel Insurance Responsive Website Template with Slider, Gallery and Blog

This Travel Insurance Responsive Website Template promotes tension-free holidays covered with the right insurance. The design draws the eye using a bright shade of red with text and image animation; a fixed menu with shadow effects, red drop-downs and buttons; dotted lines and folded edges on bright red boxes; icons on red circles on the services page. The homepage slider comes flying in and images along with messages on red banners highlight different kinds of travellers and different types of risks covered. A gallery with text animation and red hover effects can be viewed as a slideshow displaying the company’s projects. A blog with beautiful travel images and red circles for dates shows how travellers can enjoy their journey in peace once they have travel insurance protecting them from eventualities.

Template 51150   travel insurance responsive website template with slider gallery and blog

Template 52815 – Hotel Booking Responsive Website Template with Slider, Gallery and Blog

This attractively designed Hotel Booking Responsive Website Template is ideal for a travel and hotel booking company.  The menu in black and blue and grey drop-downs  makes it possible to add multiple pages. The slider with grid animations shows images of hotels with messages in large fonts in capitals giving reasons why the user should choose this hotel booking company.  Small image banners on the right and a large one below the slider lead to pages that give details about the  highlighted  hotels. A video introduces the company while two more banners provide information on Events and Specials.   Six banners with icons symbolize the company’s  services – each banner changing to a different color on hover. A number of hotels by country are shown in a carousel. Text animates on page scroll. The company’s strengths, booking information and destinations are highlighted in bold fonts.  The Gallery in isotope style spreads out a number of photographs of hotels across the page.   The blog provides information about hotels and destinations.  A contact page with contact form and map makes it easy for the user to connect with the company.

Template 52815   hotel booking responsive website template with slider gallery and blog

Template 52978 – Bikes Repair Responsive Website Template with Slider, Blurred Background, Parallax and Lazy Load

Orange and black on white bring enthusiasm, positiveness and power into this Bikes Repair Responsive Website Template.  Large bold fonts, menu effects on click, blurred backgrounds, overlays and diagonals in the slider, shadows and text effects, images with zoom effects and lazy loading, orange hover effects on bullet text, fixed parallax banners giving an impression of depth, text animations on scroll – all these add up to a great-looking website design and user experience.

Template 52978   bikes repair responsive website template with slider blurred background parallax and lazy load
