MotoCMS 3 Responsive Website Templates. 
Fast-loading. No Coding. Drag-and-Drop Editing.

Motocms 3 responsive website templates

Build your own fully responsive website fast and easy with Moto CMS 3 website templates. They are fast, responsive, mobile friendly with new custom-built visual drag-and-drop-editor that’s a snap to use! You get a professional industry-optimized design with which you can create new pages, add elements from the media library, set positions and button styling and more. For those who want to earn income by building websites for other people, the functional design of the admin panel provides all the future-ready tools they need.

Creative Double Exposure Responsive Moto CMS 3 Template with Parallax, Gallery and Blog 

Spectacular parallax effects and background images make this template truly unique! The sticky menu bar in the top will help users to find a needed website location instantly, a wide range of photo galleries is the best way to demonstrate your photography online. Don’t forget that you can also connect your website with most popular social media like Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest. If you’d like to optimize your website, here are basic SEO settings to start a successful strategy on improving your website rankings.

Creative Double Exposure Responsive Moto CMS 3 Template with Parallax, Gallery and Blog 

What sets MOTO CMS 3 Website Templates apart?

Lightning-fast installation. Speedy loading.
Drag-and-drop editing.  Amazing functionality.

  1. Lightning-fast installation – in around two minutes!
  2. Fast loading time thanks to the brand-new system architecture
  3. Responsive – looks amazing on any device
  4. Fantastic functionality with widgets for carousels, galleries, parallax, video, newsletter, contact form, social media and many more. Built for the visual Web, optimized for visual content.
  5. Sleek intuitive interface and user-friendliness
  6. Customizable using the presets builder – modify your widget’s style, color, size and background
  7. Color picker to change the color palette of your website
  8. Multipurpose – great for business or personal websites with a large variety of themes available.
  9. Media management – A media library where you can upload videos and images to use them on your site has a gallery component and supports all the most popular file formats like .jpg/.jpeg, .png, .gif, .ico for images or .swf, .avi, .mp4 for video. You can edit the images in your Image Editor.  Moto CMS 3 allows integration with two of the most popular and useful video services – YouTube and Vimeo.
  10. SEO-friendly
    SEO-friendly features allow you to optimize the pages and content of your website to achieve higher rankings in major search engines.
  11. Well-documented – Moto CMS 3 has semantic code that explains itself, but the documentation provided covers more bases.
  12. Built-in mobile version – With MotoCMS 3.0 you get a responsive website right out of the box. You can see how your website looks on desktop, tablet and smartphone (in landscape and portrait modes) – right in your admin panel. Simply click on the icon of any device and it will show you the website look.Built on the powerful Moto CMS 3.0 website builderMoto CMS 3 templates are created using the powerful WYSIWYG Moto CMS 3.0 website builder  – a CMS website builder that lets people who have no coding or programming knowledge whatsoever create and customize their websites.Template switch possibility
    You can replace one template with another using Moto CMS website building software. All data is stored in external files, so no worries about losing your data.

We invite you to take a look at the range of beautifully designed website Moto CMS 3 templates below and get going on your own full-fledged responsive website template!

Each template contains the following key features:

  • 100% responsive
  • Optimized page load time
  • Slider Gallery
  • Grid Gallery
  • Contact Form
  • HTML5, CSS3 coding
  • Google Web Fonts
  • Google Maps
  • Menu Module
  • Video/Audio Embed

Template 58610 – Capricia Restaurant Responsive Moto CMS 3 Template with Parallax, Slider, Carousel, Lazy Load Effect, Blog, Gallery

This template is designed as a table laid out with a delicious spread in a parallax banner that lends 3D depth, a kitchen table in the banner below with the ingredients that went into the spread. The center panel is neatly divided into content boxes with grey and white backgrounds that highlight the food, and full-color photographs in the slider and the plates. Entertainment featuring a singer is also given prominence.  The About page introduces the restaurant, the team, favorite dishes and testimonials. Lazy loading images and text keep the template light until the user scrolls down.  The Menu is displayed as a gallery that can be zoomed and viewed as a slideshow.  The Blog serves up appetizing dishes that tempt the user visit the restaurant.

Capricia - Restaurant Moto CMS 3 Template

Template 58793 – Corpexa Business Responsive Moto CMS 3 Template with 
Lazy Load Effect,Carousel, Slider, Grid, Blog

This streamlined corporate website template has an elegant look with large background images of people at work against a cityscape. Creative visualization with double exposure makes this template stand out from other business website templates. Lazy load effects keep the website light until the user scrolls down.  Smart black banners with orange, blue and green content boxes with icons, highlight the company’s strengths at a glance. White content boxes with icons in circles call attention to statistics about the company. A map and newsletter subscription form along with social media icons and contacts in the footer complete the template.

Business & Services Moto CMS 3 Template

Template 58795 – Travel Agency Responsive Moto CMS 3 Template with Lazy Load Effect, Carousel, Slider, Parallax, Video Integration, Blog

Gorgeous full-width banners with slider, parallax, illustrations, high-quality images, icons and grids in  squares and diamonds make this Travel Agency template a cut above the rest.    The menu and footer are designed in black and yellow.  The About page introduces the company, its advantages, the team and customer testimonials in a carousel. Gallery images enlarge on click.  The Blog provides useful travel information about places. News, events, statistics and facts about different locations in the world are posted in the website.   Social media icons remain constant on the footer.

Travel Agency MotoCMS Website Template

When you book into a hotel, you’re looking for that personal touch. This template with its hand-written fonts conveys just that, along with the luxury and comfort appeal of the images. The header  slider in this  Hotel Booking Responsive Moto CMS 3 Template  shows high-level pampering  at a hotel, whether you’re an executive on work or  on vacation.  Parallax banners add depth to images and text animations guide the user’s eye to content.  The Gallery displays the rooms on offer, with informative titles with hover effects .  Images can be enlarged and viewed as a slideshow.   A banner below asks the user if s/he is “ready to book”and links to a form. News is featured in images in circles followed by text. The About page gives an overview of the hotel, the team and customer testimonials.  Images have lazy load effects. The Blog shares information about upcoming or the latest events.

Template 58429 – Hotel Booking Responsive Moto CMS 3 Template with Slider, Carousel, Lazy Load Effects, Gallery and Blog

Hotels Moto CMS 3 Template

Template 58348 – Business Responsive Moto CMS 3 Template

Gitex - Financial Advisor Moto CMS 3 Template

Template 58800 – SOLARNRG  Bio Responsive Moto CMS 3 Template with Slider, Blog, Video Integration

Bold fonts, orange, blue, grey and white theme gives a high-energy, corporate, trustworthy and dependable look to this website template SOLARNRG Bio Responsive Moto CMS 3 Template. Full-width banners, parallax, large bold fonts and numbering, text that provides information about the company and solar energy, experts as directors, give credibility to the company. Icons in orange on  the Company page call attention to groups of people who can make a difference to environmental pollution through solar energy. Solar panels in parallax banners provide a 3D effect.  A carousel displays images and video.   The team is introduced and the company’s efforts in various fields to fight pollution are highlighted with images in circles, as well as in a  services section with icons.   A contacts section designed in a refreshingly different style with a black-and- white image in a parallax banner superimposed with a map and contact form.   This makes an all-in-one Company page at a glance.  The Solar Systems section goes into detail about the products.   The Blog provides useful and educative information on solar energy and its impact on combating pollution with renewable and sustainable energy.

Solar Energy Moto CMS 3 Template

Template 58692 – IT Consultant Responsive Moto CMS 3 Template with  Carousel,
Slider,  Video Integration, Gallery,  Blog

This website template for an IT solutions company with flat design and solid colors with a white background divides content into content boxes with visually appealing devices such as a diagonal slider  that presents the services offered by the company, a carousel to present statistics, testimonials in a banner slider, illustrations in circles to respresent the team, and a graph surrounded by illustrations of mobile devices to symbolize the company’s involvement in interface design.  The Services page is presented in a gallery with Image, Gallery, Video and Audio formats.  The Blog with attractive images in large formats and sidebar, provides useful content to engage with the customer.   The about page with colorful banners and illustrations in circles  presents the company’s IT solutions and advantages.

IT Company Moto CMS 3 Template

Template 58758 – Day Nursery Responsive Moto CMS 3 Template with
Lazy Load Effect, Carousel, Video Integration, Blog

 Eye contact and closeup appeal of the babies and children in the photographs
displayed in the header and grid draws your attention to the messages in the adjoining boxes with Read More buttons leading into the site. A video adds color and movement appeal. Gallery images with lazy load and hover effects can be viewed by category. The blog has intense visual appeal and helpful articles
for parents. This responsive template has a flexible layout that adjusts to screen sizes of most popular desktop, tablet and mobile devices.

Babysitter Moto CMS 3 Template

Template 58614 – Personal Assistant Responsive Moto CMS 3 Template Parallax,
Slider, Lazy Load Effect, Carousel, Bootstrap, Video Integration

This smartly designed full-screen Personal Assistant Responsive Moto CMS 3 Template uses polygons in the blue header, symbolizing precision and trust. The color theme of blue and pink on grey on  grey with white text emphasizes the communication and soft skills needed in a personal assistant, blue implying honesty, trust, dependability and pink associated with being energetic, inspiring, calming, and insightful. Large parallax banners give 3D depth to images in this full-screen template design.  Snippets from the blog lead into the Blog presenting business information and ideas and showing images of the personal assistant in action in corporate settings.  Images in the Gallery can be enlarged.  The About page has an introduction to the company, its services and advantages. In case you wish to change the theme colors, the Color Picker in the Moto CMS 3 Admin Panel will easily let you do this to suit your preferences. It also has a handy drag-and-drop editor. The flexible layout adjusts to fit screen sizes of most popular desktop, tablet and mobile devices.

Personal Assistant Moto CMS 3 Template

Template 58761 – Rodeo Show Responsive Moto CMS 3 Template with
Lazy Load effect, Slider, Carousel, Blog

Looking for a spot of adventure? Try the rodeo! This Rodeo Show Responsive Moto CMS 3 Template will whet your appetite for a new experience. The header with large fonts in a frame shows horses and riders in action at a rodeo.  Banners in red and beige with images in a grid or parallax banners present text and images in different sizes in color and black and white. Images on the Services page can be enlarged.  The blog  has informative content with images of horses and riders in action.   The About page gives an overview of the company, special offers, excursions, testimonials and the facilities on the farm.

Horse Moto CMS 3 Template

Template 56059 – Diving Club Responsive Moto CMS 3 Template with Slider,
Parallax,  Lazy Load Effect, Blog

Dive into crystal clear water.  Learn how to handle diving equipment.  Get diver training from experienced instructors.  Immerse yourself in the waters of the parallax slider.  Watch divers up close. Cool blue and bright orange with grey make a striking website template for a Diving Club.  An orange banner with text spells out what you can expect from the Diving Club.  A diver attracts attention
to numbered advantages of the Diving Club, in text on the blue waters. Events are highlighted in images in circles.  Another parallax banner below gives some history of diving. The Blog provides useful information on diving. The About page with lazy load effects has a video introduction to the company,  icons with company advantages in text on a banner,  members, customer testimonials and social sharing icons.

Diving Club Moto CMS 3 Template

Template 58789 – Beautiful Beauty Responsive Moto CMS 3 Template with Slider,
Video Integration, Bootstrap, Blog

Simplicity and style go together to create a unique look in this one-page Fashion Moto CMS 3 website template with a spotlight on a model’s face against a beige background . Next to her face, the text slider with changing messages prompts the site visitor to read more about the model agency. New models are presented in circles whose borders turn red on hover. “More” buttons in circles below turn
red on hover and on click lead into pages with details about the models. A close-up of a model’s face in black and white focuses on the model agency’s key message. Black circles with icons are outlined with red on hover and call attention to the advantages of the company, with more details on clicking on the buttons below. The contact form and map makes the template complete. From the menu you can click into any section of the page instantly.

Model Agency Moto CMS 3 Template

Template 58544 – Fashion Fashion Responsive Moto CMS 3 Template with Video, Parallax, Newsletter Popup and Carousel 

Whether it’s videography or photography, this fashion professional can do it all. Background video in the header introduces a videographer in action shooting a sequence.  A newsletter popup invites the user to subscribe.  Below are images
of the fashion professional’s work, arranged by category. A parallax banner overlaid with text and icons with text below present the photographer’s strengths.  The Portfolio  images enlarge on click and can be viewed in a carousel.   Testimonials are presented in a carousel below.   The Newsletter form is presented again at the bottom of the page to capture the interested user’s email ID.  A call to action button invites the user to “Get Started Now!” This template has a flexible layout that adapts
to popular desktop, tablet and mobile devices of different sizes. 
Fashion Responsive Moto CMS 3 Template

Template 58552 – Transportation Company Responsive Moto CMS 3 Template with Parallax, Slider, Carousel, Lazy Load Effect, Blog

This impressive full-screen design with parallax banners, content boxes and grids, displays the scale of operations of the transportation company and shows a range of vehicles in closeup with explanatory text. The header with parallax provides 3D depth to the image of moving transport on a road.  The buttons prompt user action while the arrow shape in the header leads the eye to icons and text promoting the strengths of the company.   Another  parallax banner below with transport on the move provides depth to the image and gives impressive statistics about the company.  With partner logos, a grid with red boxes and color images and a contact us form, this homepage gives a quick overview of the company at a glance.  The About page with dropdown menu gives details of different types of transportation services offered by the company, the company’s history, its advantages, the team and customer  testimonials.  Images with lazy loading keep the template lightweight until the user scrolls down.  The Blog shares
transportation success stories and tips.

Trans - Logistic Moto CMS 3 Template

Template 58613 – Motobikes Motorcycle Responsive Moto CMS 3 Template,
Carousel, Slider, Lazy Load Effect, Video Integration, Blog

This website template is designed in orange, beige and brown with white featuring large banners, grids , carousels, videos and sliders. The header with animated text and banners in  grids lead into the site with bright orange buttons. The Gallery with lazy load effect can be zoomed and watched as a slideshow. Instructors are introduced and training courses presented in a banner leading into the site for
details.  Testimonials lend credibility.  The attractively designed Blog with useful
tips on riding, showcases different bikes provides news on events.

Motorbike Training School Moto CMS 3 Template

Template 58694 – John Milford Writer’s Responsive Moto CMS 3 Template with
 and Lazy Load Effect, Video Integration, Blog

This Writer’s Moto CMS 3 Responsive Website Template with flat and minimal design has a clean look and card-based design.  Parallax banners lend depth and a 3D look while ghost buttons and thin borders keep elements understated. A newsletter signup is presented at the bottom of the homepage and testimonials are shown in a carousel. Books are displayed with rollovers and descriptions in a gallery and images enlarge on click. The Blog provides an opportunity for the writer to engage with his readers. The writer’s biography is presented attractively in a card-based design with a larger
image on top featuring the writer.

Writer/Author Moto CMS 3 Template

Template 58695 – Optometrists Optometrist Responsive Moto CMS 3 Template
 Slider, Carousel,  Lazy Load Effect, Blog and Gallery

The slider shows optometrists assessing the eyesight of different people using optometric equipment.  The Gallery with informative descriptions can be enlarged and viewed as a slideshow.  Text with numbering and icons provides information on Services and eye care.  A contact form helps you to find a doctor near you.
Images with lazy load effect keep the template lightweight until the user scrolls down. The About page introduces the company and the team and displays testimonials   on a banner in a carousel.  The visually attractive Blog provides useful information with recent posts in the sidebar.  The template  is designed
in blue which inspires trust and dependability,  with plenty of white space for a clean look. Social media icons help people to share useful information with others.

Optometry Moto CMS 3 Template

Template 56106 – Cars Portal Responsive Moto CMS 3 Template with Carousel,
Slider, Parallax and Lazy Load Effect

This Cars Portal showcases cars from all manufacturers under one roof. The homepage with hero slider images, grids displaying images with lazy load effects, gallery and statistics, sums up interesting snippets from the car industry. It leads into the inner web pages providing information from new car launches and test drives of cars in the making, to the gallery and interesting information about automotive products. Inside the car portal, the About page with drop-down menu gives details about the principles and values of the company and shares testimonials of customers. The Gallery shows spectacular views of customers’ cars in full-width banners, videos, slideshows and parallax with descriptions. News, updates and trends with images with lazy load effects keeps buyers in the know with the latest on the car scene. The Blog gives information about car models from various manufacturers in an
attractive format.

Car Dealer MotoCMS Website Template

Template 58452 – Prestashop Fashion Wear Responsive Website Theme with
Carousel,  Blog, MegaMenu, Video Integration, Theme Color Switcher

This extremely stylish theme sells apparel in an arresting way. Images of women’s wear, men’s wear, kid’s wear and sale items capture attention as they come into view one at a time on mouse hover in this fascinatingly designed Fashion Wear Prestashop Template Responsive PrestaShop Theme.  Icons on the top including a hamburger menu help the user to search, sign-in, buy or navigate the site. Clicking on a category image in the home page takes you into a category page with its main product sub-categories highlighted in colorful header slider banners with images and text.  The left sidebar provides options to view by category, manufacturer, color and availability, and shows information on New and Special products. Products in a grid can be viewed  by simple scrolling with Quick View options, giving images, price, size, color, and shopping cart.  Clicking on a product takes you into a product page showing a product slideshow with zoom, where you can see product color options on a model, product descriptions, video, data sheet, reviews and related and other products in carousels.  The footer has useful links, a newsletter sign-up and social sharing icons.  The Theme Color Switcher enables you to change theme colors to those of your choice.

58452 med Click here to see more moto cms templates

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