Flat design is characterized by its simplicity and boldness – large, simple type, bright colors, clear navigation.  Tiling is often used in flat designs- hexagons, squares and rectangles capture attention and move the eye to vital points in the design. User interfaces like buttons and banners are also designed using flat web design.

Flat web design has brought emphasis back to minimalist design, with its focus on white space and large images. Clean layouts that give weight to the content;  large, simple typography; bold use of color; sharp shapes and lines are all part of the overall trend towards minimalism.

Devcom Software Flash CMS Template 

Template 48685 devcom software flat design flash cms template devcom software flat

Roller Skating Flat Responsive Website Template

Roller skating responsive website template roller skating flat

Surfo Surfing Responsive Website Template

Template 48293 surfo surfing responsive website template surfo surfing flat

Flat design avoids the use of embellishments like drop shadows,  gradients, bevels and textures.  It also avoids animation and keeps the design distraction-free, to focus on the content.  Lately there have been other trends emerging from flat design. ‘Almost flat design’ uses some minimal effect for a design variation, such as a simple shadow inside of an element or basic gradient.   “Long shadow design”,  used mostly for icons, has a tinted area (or shadow) from the image within the icon frame, falling at a 45-degree angle to the image.  This muted effect adds depth to the image while maintaining the overall flat design feel.

Flat + Long Shadow Social Icons

160 flat + long shadow social icons flat long shadow social icons

Flat design combined with large image backgrounds or video backgrounds, keeps the visitor’s attention alive while focusing on the main content.

Tomas O’donnelly Flat Website Template 

Template 48879 tomas odonnelly flat website template tomas donelly portfolio

Photographer Portfolio Website Template 

Photographer portfolio website template harper portfolio flat design

Sky Wake Flat Responsive Website Template

 Template 47936 - Sky Wake Responsive Website Template

 Flat Design Responsive OnePage WordPress Theme

Metrika responsive onepage wordpress theme metrika flat
Flat Responsive Magento Theme

Sm cherry responsive flat magento theme sm cherry

 Canyon  Flat OnePage Responsive Portfolio

Canyon portfolio canyon portfolio

Mountain – One Page Flat Responsive Parallax HTML Template

Mountain one page parallax html template mountain parallax

LightDose Flat & Minimal Responsive WordPress Theme

Lightdose flat minimal wordpress theme lightdose

Wiva – One Page Flat Design Parallax Muse Template

Wiva one page flat parallax muse template wiva one page flat parallax

Every element is given attention in flat web design – and as a result we see designs with flat buttons and menus, flat company profiles, flat pricing tables, graphs and sign-up forms, flat social icons, flat friends lists, flat business cards, flat credit cards and flat infographics.

 Flat Design Concept Icons For Business

Flat design concept icons for business flat icons business

Set of Vector Sport Icons in Flat Design

Set of vector sport icons in flat design sportflat

 Flat UI, Infographics and Web ElementsUi infographics and web elements ui infographics web elements

Flat Design in Infographics, User Interface and Web Elements Flat design in infographics user interface and web elements flat design in infographics ui and web elements

Flat web banners with smart objects allow the user to quickly and easily replace the images with his own images.

 Flat Design Web Banner Ads Using Smart Objects

Flat web banner ads flat web banner ads

Flat design has spilled over into all aspects of communication – print, magazines, posters, brochures, business cards, business presentation formats, mockups and more.

WowNow PSD – Multi-Purpose Flat Design

Wownow psd multi purpose flat design wow

Pizza Box Mock-Up Using Flat Design

Pizza box mock up plain cardboard box mockup pizza box mockup

Running Club Responsive Website Template

Template 48625 running club responsive website template running club flat

 Solaris Solar Responsive Website Template

Template 46916 solaris solar responsive website template solaris flat

Midas Printing Responsive Website Template 

Template 47978 midas printing responsive website template printing flat

Informer Internet Website Template

Template 46358 informer internet website template informer it flat

The best part about flat web design is that it translates well into mobile devices without losing its appeal.  Images stay light and web loading times are faster.  That translates into more web visitors for you!  Today’s web users are not willing to wait more than
two seconds for a page to load.    All the more reason for web designers to focus on simple, clean layouts, clear navigation and flat designs so that the content – your basic message – really shines through on the web.

Check out some more website templates using flat design here!
