In this tutorial we will learn how to use CSS Styles to give stylish effects to text. Learn how to create shadow effects, inset effects, neon style effects, glossy styles, grunge style effects and more!

cool css text effects

Please Note : some of the effects can be seen only in Fireworks and Google Chrome.

Text effects using CSS shadows

First we’ll create text effects using the CSS Shadow Property and then we’ll create text effects using the CSS Background Image Property.
The HTML code will be same for all the examples below. Only the CSS code will change.

The HTML code

Just put your text inside any  div  or  span and give it an id=style. For the example below, we are working with the text “CSS Text Effects”.

   <div id=style>

        CSS Text Effects


Apply shadow to the text inside the <div> with the id style.

The Syntax

text-shadow:(x-offset) (y-offset) (blur-radius) (color)

X-Offset: To position the shadow along the x-axis.
Y-Offset: To position the shadow along the y-axis.
Blur-radius: To set the amount of blur.
Color: To set the color of the shadow.

Here are some examples of the text effects using CSS.

The Colorful Style

Three colored shadows are used here. So we’ll have to define three shadow values, each separated by a comma.

Colorful style css text effects

text-shadow: 0 6px 4px #85c226,
-3px -5px 4px #fe2192,
3px -5px 4px #f7c200;

The Double Font Style

A single shadow is used here. The Pink(#fe2192) colored shadow has a y-offset value set at -15 pixel.

The double font style css text effects

text-shadow:0px -15px 0 #fe2192;

The Neon Glow Style

A single Blue(#1E90FF) colored shadow is used here with a Blur Radius of 7 pixel.
The text color is also the same Blue(#1E90FF) color.

Neon glow style  css text effects
text-shadow: 0 0 7px #1E90FF;
color: #1E90FF;

The Inset Effect

Two shadows are used here, each of them moved 1 pixel along the x-y axis in opposite directions.
The Background and the Text have the same Grey(#CCCCCC) Color.

The inset effect   css text effect

The Dark Grey(#666666) colored shadow is moved to the top left corner.
The White(#FFFFFF) colored shadow is moved to the bottom right corner, to give it an inset look.

The inset effect css text effects

background: #CCCCCC;
color: #CCCCCC;
text-shadow: -1px -1px 3px #666666,
1px 1px 3px #FFFFFF;


The Outset Style

We’ll do the exact opposite of what we did for the Inset Effect.

The outset style

The Dark Grey(#666666) colored shadow is moved to the bottom right corner.
The White(#FFFFFF) colored shadow is moved to top left corner, to give it an inset look.

The outset effect css text effect
background: #CCCCCC;
color: #CCCCCC;
text-shadow: 1px 1px 3px #666666,
                       -1px -1px 3px #FFFFFF;

Text Effects Using CSS Backgrounds

Here we’ll use transparent images to create the Text Effects.
We just need to insert an empty <span></span> tag inside the <div> with id style.
The transparent images will be used as the background for these span tags.
Then we’ll position the <span> element over the text using z-index property to give it a different look.

 <div id=style>

        CSS Text Effects<span></span>


The HTML Code

Lets have look at the HTML code.
The text and the empty <span> is inside the <div> with id style.

<div id=style>

CSS Text Effects<span></span>


The Grunge Style

We will have to define two separate styles for the style div element and for the span element inside the div element.

The style div element has a css position property set to relative so that the span element can be positioned related to the style div element.

This is the image used for the grunge effect.

The grunge style css text effect
	font-weight: bold;
	background: #000;
#style span{
    z-index: 21;

The Glossy Style

The code is the same as above, only the image is different.

This is the image used for the gloss effect.

Gloss effect css text effect
Gloss effect css text effect
	position: relative;
	font-weight: bold;
#style span{
    z-index: 21;

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