In this tutorial you will learn how to create an amazing Typography Poster in Photoshop.

Typography Poster Design In Photoshop

Tutorial Details

Program: Photoshop CS5

Estimated Completion Time: 30 Minutes

Tutorial Assets

The following assets were used during the production of this tutorial :

Now that we have everything we need, so let’s start!

Step 1:- Open your Photoshop and create a new file with 2000px width and 1300px height.

step 1

Step 2:- Open the weathered texture and paste it on our file.

step 2

Step 3:- Now we are going to make it a bit brown and dark. So click on Image> Adjustments> Hue / Saturation.

step 3

Step 4:- Now open the model image and select it roughly using pen tool.

step 4

Step 5:- Now paste the image on to our file. Then add a bit of dark shadow.

step 5

Step 6:- Create a new layer, for this click on Layer> New> Layer and select soft round brush with # 0c0806 color. Now use the brush roughly around the edges.

step 6

Step 7:- Now reduce the opacity to 65%.

step 7

Step 8:- Now select the eraser tool and one of the Universal brushes I’ve mentioned above. Use the brush on the left side of the Model.

step 8

Step 9 – Select the Text Tool and randomly add text with different colors.

step 9

Step 10 – Now reduce the opacity of the text layer to 10%.

step 10

Step 11 – Select the text tool again and add some text, you can write whatever you want. Use text in different sizes and color.

step 11

Step 12 – Repeat the same process and add more text using different fonts.

step 12

Step 13 – Create a new layer and then select some of the Grunge brushes mentioned above. Use them randomly with # 000000 color.

step 13

Step 14 – Now select the round brushes and use them with # 631600 and # ffffff colors.

step 14

Step 15 – Now change the blending mode of the above layer to “Soft Light”.

step 15

Step 16 – Select the Text Tool and add the main text on the right side.

step 16

Step 17 – Select the Polygonal lasso Tool and create a triangle. The fill it with color #91714e.

step 17

Step 18 – Now add some text in the triangle using different colors.

step 18

Step 19 – Repeat the same process and create some more triangles with different colors.

step 19

Step 20 – Now reduce thee opacity of the triangles to 35%.

step 20

Step 21 – Repeat the same process and add move triangles.

step 21

Step 22 – Now select the Text tool and add some text, whatever you have in mind.

step 22

Step 23 – Now click on Image> Adjustments> Brightness/Contrast. And make it a bit bright. Now our poster is ready.

step 23

Photoshop Tutorials & Resources

Typography Tutorials & Resources
