In this tutorial you will learn how to create Graffiti effects using smudge, shape, and texturing tool with Coreldraw, to create grunge and splash effects.

Create Quick Graffiti Text Effects with Coreldraw

Tutorial Details

* Program: CorelDraw 11 – X5
* Difficulty: Advanced
* Estimated Completion Time: 45 minutes

Step 1 : Basic Elements

First of all you have to use CorelDraw with version 11+. In this tutorial I use CorelDraw X5, Okay lets get started. Let’s take a look at the basic elements used to create our design :

Create Quick Graffiti Text Effects with Coreldraw

This also will be our steps to create the design.

Step 2 : Creating Worksheet

Okay, now that you know the steps and elements, we will begin, first of all open your CorelDraw program, now create a new file, set the paper size to A4 and the units to centimeters.

Create Quick Graffiti Text Effects with Coreldraw

Step 3 : Creating the Graffiti Illustration

Now that we have our worksheet set, we will begin to create the Graffiti Illustration, “Bezier” and “Shape tool”, go to the “Bezier Tool” and create a custom diamond like shape similar like below, point and click to create the line and make sure that the first click is connected to the last click or else you can’t put color in it.

Create Quick Graffiti Text Effects with Coreldraw

After that go to the “Shape Tool”, double click on the middle side lines to create custom node or corner, drag the new corner to the middle.

Create Quick Graffiti Text Effects with Coreldraw

Shape it by creating new nodes or corners until it look like the picture below.

Create Quick Graffiti Text Effects with Coreldraw

Now right click on the upper side lines and find “Convert to Curves” in the upper toolbar, in the corner you will see an arrow, drag the arrow to shape.

Create Quick Graffiti Text Effects with Coreldraw

Using same steps as above shape it until it looks like an “S”.

Create Quick Graffiti Text Effects with Coreldraw

After that create a triangular shape on the bottom of the “S” using “Bezier Tool”.

Create Quick Graffiti Text Effects with Coreldraw

Shape it by following the contour of the bottom “S”.

Create Quick Graffiti Text Effects with Coreldraw

After that select all the objects and go to the upper toolbar and press “Trim”, this will make the “S” shape hollow.

Create Quick Graffiti Text Effects with Coreldraw

Okay after that create a “T” like shape using “Bezier Tool”.

Create Quick Graffiti Text Effects with Coreldraw

Shape it so it will look more natural using “Shape Tool”.

Create Quick Graffiti Text Effects with Coreldraw

Arrange it next to the “S” shape.

Create Quick Graffiti Text Effects with Coreldraw

Using the same methods with “Bezier & Shape Tool” create an “R” like shape.

Create Quick Graffiti Text Effects with Coreldraw Create Quick Graffiti Text Effects with Coreldraw

Place it next to the “T” shape.

Create Quick Graffiti Text Effects with Coreldraw

Now lets create the “E” like shape using the same technique as above.

Create Quick Graffiti Text Effects with Coreldraw

Shape it so it will match with the other shape.

Create Quick Graffiti Text Effects with Coreldraw

Place it next to the other shape that you previously create.

Create Quick Graffiti Text Effects with Coreldraw

Now select the “S” shape, flip and copy it by pressing “Left + Right mouse” while dragging the shape to the right.

Create Quick Graffiti Text Effects with Coreldraw

Step 4 : Coloring & Extrude

Okay now we are going to put color in the Graffiti Illustration that you previously create, go to the “Fountain Fill Tool” in the left toolbar, after you see a fountain dialog box apply the value below to create a the color.

Create Quick Graffiti Text Effects with Coreldraw

Tips : You can create a custom color by double click on the color box.

Create Quick Graffiti Text Effects with Coreldraw

After that select all the shape and group it by pressing “Ctrl + G”, now go to the “Extrude Tool” and apply the value below to create similar extrusion.

Create Quick Graffiti Text Effects with Coreldraw

Separate the extrusion by pressing “Ctrl + K”, after that lets put color in it by go to the “Fountain Fill Tool” and apply the value below.

Create Quick Graffiti Text Effects with Coreldraw Create Quick Graffiti Text Effects with Coreldraw

Okay now select the Graffiti Illustration and go to the “Contour Tool”, apply the value below to create similar outline.

Create Quick Graffiti Text Effects with Coreldraw

After that create a circle shape of any size using “Ellipse Tool”.

Create Quick Graffiti Text Effects with Coreldraw

Put color in it by go to the “Fountain Fill Tool” and apply the value below.

Create Quick Graffiti Text Effects with Coreldraw Create Quick Graffiti Text Effects with Coreldraw

After that create a black cat eye lens using “Bezier & Shape Tool”.

Create Quick Graffiti Text Effects with Coreldraw

Now copy the black lens and put the same color as the circle shape on the copied one.

Create Quick Graffiti Text Effects with Coreldraw

Lets make it a little “Jagged”, go to the “Distortion Tool” and apply the value below.

Create Quick Graffiti Text Effects with Coreldraw Create Quick Graffiti Text Effects with Coreldraw

After that create a small circle on top of the black lens using “Ellipse Tool”.

Create Quick Graffiti Text Effects with Coreldraw

Go to the “Transparency Tool” and apply the value below to make the circle transparent.

Create Quick Graffiti Text Effects with Coreldraw

After that we will create a base for the eye using “Bezier & Shape Tool” similar like below.

Create Quick Graffiti Text Effects with Coreldraw

Using the same methods create a crown shape as well.

Create Quick Graffiti Text Effects with Coreldraw

Put same color as the Graffiti Illustration and arrange it on the back of the Eye.

Create Quick Graffiti Text Effects with Coreldraw

Group the whole thing by pressing “Ctrl + G” and arrange it on top of the Graffiti Illustration.

Create Quick Graffiti Text Effects with Coreldraw

Step 6 : Creating Waterdrops Effects

Okay now using “Freehand” create a water drops on the bottom left corner of the Graffiti Illustration outlines.

Create Quick Graffiti Text Effects with Coreldraw

After put same color with the Graffiti outline on the waterdrop.

Create Quick Graffiti Text Effects with Coreldraw

Now all we have to do is copy it to all of the outline corners.

Create Quick Graffiti Text Effects with Coreldraw

We are going to add more details by adding more waterdrops, go to the “Freehand Tool” and draw a waterdrop shape on top of the “S” shape.

Create Quick Graffiti Text Effects with Coreldraw

Put a water gradient color in it by applying the value below.

Create Quick Graffiti Text Effects with Coreldraw Create Quick Graffiti Text Effects with Coreldraw

Using the same technique you can add waterdrops as many as you like.

Create Quick Graffiti Text Effects with Coreldraw

Step 7 : Creating the Brick Wall

Okay now create a box shape of any size using “Rectangle Tool”.

Create Quick Graffiti Text Effects with Coreldraw

After that make the corner rounded by go to the corner options on the upper toolbar and apply the value below.

Create Quick Graffiti Text Effects with Coreldraw

Put purple color in it and draw a custom corner shape on top of the brick.

Create Quick Graffiti Text Effects with Coreldraw

Make it transparent using “Transparency Tool” apply the value below to create similar.

Create Quick Graffiti Text Effects with Coreldraw

After that lets copy it as many as you like until it looks like a brick wall.

Create Quick Graffiti Text Effects with Coreldraw

Select and group all the bricks by pressing “Ctrl + G” copy it and put black color on the copied one.

Create Quick Graffiti Text Effects with Coreldraw

Copy it again arrange it on the bottom of the original brick wall.

Create Quick Graffiti Text Effects with Coreldraw

Okay now arrange it on the bottom layer of the Graffiti Illustration by pressing “Ctrl + PageDown”.

Create Quick Graffiti Text Effects with Coreldraw

Step 8 : Creating the Grunge Effects

Okay now that you have already get used to the “Freehand Tool” create a watersplat shape, you can create as freely as you want just make sure its looks like a watersplat.

Create Quick Graffiti Text Effects with Coreldraw

After that go to the “Smudge Tool” and double click on the edges of the watersplat to create a splat effects.

Create Quick Graffiti Text Effects with Coreldraw

Apply it on all edges.

Create Quick Graffiti Text Effects with Coreldraw

After that go to the “Artistic Media Tool” in the upper toolbar find the media option and apply the value below.

Create Quick Graffiti Text Effects with Coreldraw

Copy the splat and arrange it around the first splat shape that you previously create.

Create Quick Graffiti Text Effects with Coreldraw

Group it all and put same color as the Graffiti Outline.

Create Quick Graffiti Text Effects with Coreldraw

Okay now you can appy the Grunge shape to the Graffiti outline, copy it as many as you like.

Create Quick Graffiti Text Effects with Coreldraw Create Quick Graffiti Text Effects with Coreldraw

Step 9 : Creating the Textures

Okay now lets create the texture, create a box shape using ” Rectangle Tool ” resize it to 24 x 17 cm.

Create Quick Graffiti Text Effects with Coreldraw

Put pink gradient color in it.

Create Quick Graffiti Text Effects with Coreldraw Create Quick Graffiti Text Effects with Coreldraw

Create a second box shape using ” Rectangle Tool ” and resize it to 24 x 19 cm.

Create Quick Graffiti Text Effects with Coreldraw

After that go to the ” Texture Fill Tool ” select the layered marble for the texture.

Create Quick Graffiti Text Effects with Coreldraw Create Quick Graffiti Text Effects with Coreldraw

Now put it on top of the Pink box shape and Graffiti Illustration, after that make it transparent by applying the value below.

Create Quick Graffiti Text Effects with Coreldraw

Create the third box using ” Rectangle Tool ” and resize it to 24 x 19 cm.

Create Quick Graffiti Text Effects with Coreldraw

Go to the ” Texture Fill Tool ” and select steel wool for the texture.

Create Quick Graffiti Text Effects with Coreldraw Create Quick Graffiti Text Effects with Coreldraw

Okay now arrange the third box on top of the other objects, and make it transparent by applying the value below.

Create Quick Graffiti Text Effects with Coreldraw Create Quick Graffiti Text Effects with Coreldraw

Final Image

And we are done, by using the same technique as above you can add more details to make it more natural like the final image below.

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