Create a brick wall texture using photoshop create a brick wall texture

Learn how to create a Brick wall texture finish using Photoshop. Change your background to a brick wall.

Step 1

Create a new file in Photoshop by clicking on File>Open. Click on Set Foreground Color

Foreground color tool

Choose brown color or a shade of brick color. Click on OK. Select the Paint Bucket Tool. 

Paint bucket tool

Click on your canvas. It will fill the background with brown color. Your canvas will look like this.


Step 2

Go to Filter>Texture>Texturizer>Brick.


A screen named texturizer will appear. Select texture as Brick. Select scaling as 200%. Select relief as 15. Select light direction as top left. Click on Ok. Your canvas looks like this now:


Congratulations! Your brick wall is ready!

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