Learn how to create bubbles using Photoshop. It’s very easy. Make many bubbles as seen below.

Create bubbles using photoshop

1. Open a new file by clicking on File>Open.

2. Make a blue color background by choosing the a blue foreground color and filling the canvas using the  Paint Bucket Tool.

Create bubbles using photoshop

3. Make a circle with Elliptical Marquee Tool. Press the shift key, so that the circle comes round.

Create bubbles using photoshop

4. Go to Dodge tool

Create bubbles using photoshop

Select Brush as 29 or more depending on your bubble and Range as Highlights and Exposure as 50%.

Create bubbles using photoshop

5. Then on the left corner of the bubble drag the dodge tool four times in the same place to give the highlight in the bubble.

Create bubbles using photoshop

6. Make gentle strokes around the bubble with the dodge tool to get the following effect.

Create bubbles using photoshop

Your Bubble is ready, just press ctrl+D to deselect the outline of the circle.

Create bubbles using photoshop

You can make as many bubbles as you want like that, even small and big, just repeat the process.

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