Learn how to create an exceptional wood texture finish using Photoshop. Transform your background like wood finishing.

Step 1: Create a Brown background for your canvas

Open a new file by clicking on File>Open.

Click on 

Set foreground color.

Choose brown color or a shade of wood color with Eye dropper Tool.

Click on OK.

Select  Paint Bucket Tool.

Click on your canvas.

It will fill the background with brown color.

Step 2 : Add Noise

Go to Filter>Noise>Add noise. A screen named Add Noise will appear. Select amount as 60% and distribution as gaussian. Check on Monochromatic. Click on Ok.

Step 3 : Give a Motion Blur Effect

Go to Filter>Blur>Motion Blur. A screen named Motion Blur will appear. Select angle as 0 and distance as 5. Click on Ok.

Step 4 : Use the liquify filter

Open Go to Filter>Liquify.A window named Liquify will appear.
Select Twirl Clockwise Tool (which is highlighted in the above screen) and drag it at different places in the canvas starting from top. It will give a round effect of wood.
Click on Ok.

Great! You have successfully created your wood texture effect.

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Photoshop Tutorials & Resources
