In this simple tutorial you will learn how to create a pretty heart background in Photoshop CS4.

For this tutorial you will need to download a set of heart brushes from Brusheezy. Click here to download the brushes for Photoshop CS1+.

free colorful backgrounds


  1. Download the file and unzip it.
  2. Copy the file (heartbrushes.abr) to your Photoshop/Presets/Brushes folder.
  3. In your Photoshop Brushes palette (Window/Brushes), click on the arrow in the upper right and click on “Load Brushes.”
  4. Navigate until you find the file and load it (Photoshop/Presets/heartbrushes.abr). You should see it in the brushes panel as shown below.
heart brushes

This tutorial is very simple. Once you download the brushes, using the brush tool, choose different colors and brushes in different layers and create a beautiful heart background. Have fun with these brushes and create something amazing!

Start by creating a new document 2000 x 2000 px. See details below.

The first step is to create a gradient background. Create a new layer. Choose pink for the foreground color and red for the background color and using gradient tool drag a diagonal line across the canvas. For this we will use the gradient background tool seen below :

custom gradient

Choose the layer and click on blending options. Choose Vivid Light under the Blend Mode drop down menu. On the left choose Pattern Overlay and choose the first pattern with 15% Opacity.

Now create a new layer for the first layer of subtle hearts. Choose the brush tool and choose the heart highlighted below. Choose a pink and red for the foreground and background color and set the following options in the brush panel.

Choose Shape Dynamics and in the options, make Size Jitter 100%. Minimum Diameter 20%. Angle Jitter 10%. This will render the hearts in different shapes when you drag the brush.

Choose Scattering and in the options, make Scatter 100%. This will scatter the hearts when you drag the brush.

Choose Color Dynamics and in the options, make Foreground/Background Jitter 100%.

Gently drag the brush across the canvas till you get something like this.

Create a new layer and choose a different heart brush)see highlighted brush below). Choose white as the foreground color and a brighter pink as the background color. Choose the same Shape dynamics, scattering and color dynamics. Click on protect texture as well(see below). Now click in various parts of the canvas till you get a result like this.

Create a new layer and choose a new brush. Choose white as the foreground color and click on the canvas to place only one heart. Then right click on the layer and choose blending options and choose overlay. You will get something like this.

You can experiment with different brushes and colors and try different blending options to get something unique and suited to your taste.

Click here to download the background we have created in this tutorial.

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