In this tutorial you will learn how to make some parts of a photo into color and everything else into Black and white in Adobe Photoshop CS6.
Let’s get started!
Step 1 : Create a new document of 650 px Width and 440 px Height in Adobe Photoshop CS6.
Step 2 : Now open the image that you need to convert into selective color image. Here I have opened the below photo(i.e,green.jpg) and place it on the document.
Go to File > Place and resize it using CTRL+T.
Click Place to import the green.jpg photo into your Photoshop document, then rasterize the layer by right-clicking on the name of the green layer and choosing Rasterize Layer.
Step 3 : Next, duplicate the photo(i.e, green) layer by right-clicking on the green layer.
Step 4 : Duplicate and hide the original photo layer for safety purpose. Just click on the eye of the original photo layer to hide.
Step 5 : Select “Lasso Tool” from the tool bar and draw a selection outline around the particular part where you need the color.
Step 6 : Now go to Select > Inverse to inverse the selection.
Step 7 : The inverse selection can be seen in the shown image. Here other than the cropped area are selected.
Step 8 : Let’s create a new adjustment layer by clicking the “Icon” in the right-bottom under the layers panel.
Step 9 : There appears a pop-up menu with different options to select and apply the effect to the photo.
Step 10 : We have selected “Black & White” in the adjustment layer option.
As soon as we select the “Black & White”, it automatically mask the selected layer with black & white color and leaving the other area with color.
Step 11 : That’s it! here is the final result will look like:
You can also try and play with layer mask or other effects to get an awesome effect. This selective coloring effect will be used mostly in wedding photography.
Step 12 : Here’s the comparison between the original and the final photo.
Hope you enjoyed this tutorial! Please do write in the comment box with your comments and feedback.